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“bp_moderate” capabilities

  • @anna24na


    version wordpress 5.3.2
    version Buddypress 5.1.2
    theme ELEMENTOR

    I have installed Buddypress, I have created a group as an external user with a teacher profile (client) and with selected capabilities. When creating the group that user has become the group administrator. As such you should be able to access
    editar grupo
    to edit group and add users. But every time I try to access it tells me this: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this admin page.
    Reason: The current user doesn’t have the “bp_moderate” capability that is required to access the “Groups” menu item.

    I have the buddypress capabilities editor and I tried to add that capability (bp_moderate). But it does not appear in the list of capabilities. So believe her. Now it appears and I have assigned it, but it still does not let me access the group editor.

    I do not know what to do! please help me !!

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