@buddhatunes right at the front page Fatal error: Call to undefined function loginRadiusThreeAcross() in /home/buddha/public_html/wp-content/themes/Tersus/footer.php on line 233
Thanks, I know. Plugin upgrade snafu. Hopefully fixed in next few hours.
I get a warning from Mcafee when i visit about harmful content.
Signup and login errors fixed.
No idea what possible harmful content there could be. I just ran a Vaultpress security scan which looks for dangerous files and codes and everything came back clean. I also run 2 anti-spam plugins – Akismet and Anti-Splog from WPMU. In addition, I personally scan members activity posts to see if something slips through and I don’t see anything to be concerned about. The only content is the radio channel scripts and 2 autoblog feeds from Elephant Journal and Huffington Post. There is Google Analytics code but that is pretty standard.
If you could run the Mcafee scan again and give me something more specific, I would appreciate it but I really don’t believe there is any harmful content on this site. I make every effort to prevent it.
Try setting your browser to not accept third-party cookies — it could be something like doubleclick. Many people consider McAfee & Norton to be nagware and problems in and of themselves.
Cool! Nice to see a webradio station using BuddyPress!
One thing, you should provide .m3u or .pls playlist links for those wanting to stream the stations on their own players.
I had to manually sniff out the streams!