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Buddy Press “My Profile” Redirects to home page for old and new users

  • darksilence


    Dear Buddy Press

    I am trying hard different ways to work your plugin properly, My users cannot see any of the fearute of buddy press, please note Buddy press has been installed recently and there are lots of old users who registered VIA Theme My login and NExtend Social Login plugins, some how I cant activate my old and also newly registered users to visit buddy press pages, they cant see activity, they cant see my profile everytime it redirects them to home page.

    I did lots of searching I have no lcue how to propely set up buddy press.
    Please also note users can only see members but cant view their profile.

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  • Varun Dubey


    @darksilence1990 It might be some 3rd party plugin conflict, Try to disable other user-specific (like login redirect or any BuddyPress add-on )plugins for a while check profile again.

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