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buddy press pls kill me

  • @smovemc


    I need real help to get this running…
    any suggestions how I can change the settings so people that register get the register email and can use buddypress
    users that I create as a admin work but not users that register themselves

    please help

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  • @rogercoathup


    Can your site send normal WP admin emails?

    Try creating a user in wp-admin – did it send you an email?

    See also:



    hey thx for answering
    nope I cant send normal WP admin emails or to be exact where would I send these?
    and yes I created a user and this fake user pops up in the members list but it did not get a email …



    WordPress sends emails automatically to the admin (you I presume!).

    If you are not getting those mails when you create users in wp-admin, then your mail isn’t configured properly in WordPress (as with ‘freeriders’ system in the thread I gave you).

    You need to fix that before proceeding with BuddyPress install.

    Look in the WordPress Codex for details on setting up / configuring the mail settings.



    OK I just deleted all and am starting again from new and will just install wordpress now///
    I get a email from
    sample scripts with my wp link and my password but not from wordpress I will now create a user in WP without installing BP



    ok done I made a new user alone in wp and got the email…
    so now proceed with bp install



    You might want to go over other WP configurations which need to be working well before installing BuddyPress for a less bumpy ride later..

    P.S. “BuddyPress, pls kill me” just caught my eye :-)

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