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buddybar wont go away after deactivation

  • Anointed


    I deactivated buddypress sitewide, but for some reason i cannot get rid of the buddybar on all the blogs. Is there another way to remove it from the blogs short of physically deleting buddypress?

    It happens on all my blogs no matter what theme is used. And bp does show as deactivated in all website plugin folders

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  • Did you put BuddyPress into /mu-plugins/ by chance?



    no, i put it into the regular plugins folder. I went ahead and deleted buddypress as it was acting weird anyhow.

    For some reason, when I activated buddypress the first time, it placed it into the ‘sitewide active plugins’ area in the admin. This would not allow me to activate bp on a per blog basis and somehow was forcing it upon all my blogs.

    Prior to deleting bp, after i deactivated it, if I tried to reactivate it, it said fatal error could not install bp again, already running.

    I’m uploading the new bp vs. right now to see if it behaves better than the 1.1.1 did, will report back



    Ok, I completely removed bp from the system, that removed the bar

    I then uploaded the new vs. to the plugins folder and the buddybar was still gone.

    I then edited the bp-core.php file to set my ‘bp-root-blog’ to the blog id# for my community blog.

    Finally I activated bp.

    Here is the problem I can’t figure out now:

    bp is in the area

    ‘Plugins that appear in the list below are activate for all blogs across this installation.’

    I did not put bp in the mu-plugins folder, I put it into the plugins folder.

    How do I get bp to activate on only the blog’s I want it active on?

    (I have a number of customer blogs who do NOT want bp, and a few that do, so having the ability to turn bp on for single blogs is very important, and used to work in the old vs. for me, just not the recent versions)

    BP runs site-wide, it will all blogs will hook into it.



    Is there at least a way of only activating the buddybar on the sites that I want it on?

    I’m hoping that at the very least I can hide the bar where I need to, but it appears everywhere right now.

    still giving


    I have just been wrestling with similar trying to deactivate the admin bar with BP still running. I can get rid of the text using the remove-bp-adminbar.php plugin but not the graphic bar.

    At the very least, is there a plugin to have a dropdown BP admin bar on all sites?

    John James Jacoby


    The buddybar is either on or off, there’s no way in the core to pick or choose which blogs its visible or not visible on.

    You could, however, write a custom function to do a check against the $current_blog->ID and show/hide it accordingly.

    still giving


    A dropdown admin bar, that hides itself, would be nice as a standard option.

    At the very least it dominates all theme design at present, at worst it interferes with the lay out of others themes.



    Then re-style it? The buddybar uses css too.

    John James Jacoby


    The BuddyBar is an adaptation of the bar that was previously included in WPMU, which was a watered down version of what you see at It can be restyled, replaced, or totally removed if you so choose.

    still giving


    If so … stick up a few links to let folk know how or examples of cool hack then, please.

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