8 active tickets remaining https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/roadmap
Feel free to help.
Looking at that tracker:
3059 – Has a working patch and perhaps can be closed.
3158 – Has a patch submitted and has work done on it. Perhaps this is close to being closed.
3240 – Has a patch submitted and has work done on it. Perhaps this is close to being closed.
2707 – The attached patch needs a small tweak and this looks close to being closed
3241 – This master ticket only points to 3240 now as everything else is done
3294 – Looks done and perhaps can be closed
3312 – Has a patch submitted and has work done on it. Perhaps this is close to being closed.
3314 – A work in progress, but should be quick find/replace work
So of the 8 tickets, two can probably be closed currently. One just points to another, and the other 5 have had good progress.
Looking good!
Just want to say thanks to everyone working on BP 1.3.
I wish I could get involved coding somehow but I have no experience whatsoever unfortunately. I know how to use BP inside out though and could test EVERY aspect thoroughly if that’s any use to anyone?
Testing is hugely important, the more people doing that the better, spotting bugs and feeding back will help ensure bug fix point releases are reduced.
sorry to but in, but has there been a change in here, I can’t start new topics, and my previous topics are unable to be found?
As has been mentioned and blog posted about there are site maintenance things going on this week.