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Buddypress 1.6.1 to 2.0

  • Doctor Psyringe


    Hellow. I have a theme that’s 100% functional with Easy Digital Download, bPress, WordPress 3.9 — but is only compatible to Buddypress 1.6.1.

    I fixed a handful of issues, like “Notifications Breaking Theme” and “Settings / Profile Loading Blank Page” — then realized I’m trying to fit BuddyPress 2.0 into a 1.6.1 preset theme. I tried downgrading to 1.6.1, but it’s brutally obvious by the numerous errors from BuddyPress 1.6.1 and WordPress 3.9 that the two simply aren’t compatible. Here’s some of those error string gems;

    Warning: require(/home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/deprecated/1.5.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-loader.php on line 436

    Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘/home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/deprecated/1.5.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-loader.php on line 436

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php on line 176 and defined in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1147

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-options.php on line 293 and defined in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1147

    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-members/bp-members-loader.php on line 101

    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/bioniteo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-loader.php on line 20


    What is the easiest way of going about this? Should I remove all BuddyPress files in the theme template? In which case I assume just delete the folders and .css files (or did Buddypress encourage premium templates to add code elsewhere) and after dong so it will work? Is there a sure-fire way to get 1.6.1 working with WordPress 3.9? Is there a list of updates from version to version making it a “plug and play” scenario for me to simply go in and update/add the lines of code? I don’t mind that – as long as there’s a solid list of changes to make from version to version.

    I don’t mind what I need to do – all I know is many features are broken. Updating the status doesn’t work (ever-never-ever). User Profiles are virtually useless (every link causes the apocalypse). Right now the best functionality is “Notifications” which needed fixing, and how they incorporate into the “Activity Stream” — although you cannot favorite, comment, or delete from said Activity Stream (just reloads the page instead).

    Please help me make a call on this BuddyPress. I need a direction to put a few dozen hours into, and I need the functonality of BuddyPress with bbPress. Thank you.


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  • shanebp


    > Should I remove all BuddyPress files in the theme template?

    Try that.
    We don’t know anything about your theme.
    BP treats all themes the same, premium or free.
    But since BP 1.7 (?), theme handling has changed.

    Rather than try to ‘fix’ all those issues, imo. your time would be better spent switching to a new theme. It’s an opportunity 🙂 And will probably take less time that puzzling out all those issues.

    But I’m not a theme expert; perhaps one of those folks will provide a more informed suggestion.

    Doctor Psyringe


    Yea, I was thinking that *might* be the best route, based on some reading I’ve done.

    I’m running Orizon ( which isn’t the most popular theme, as compared to other “compatible” themes. I’ve worked out a lot of compatibility by hand no problem.

    I understand the “opportunity” bit, but I just spent a week tweaking all the specifics out for a Steam Greenlight game on this theme. It has the right look, but I can’t wait on the theme dev to update it.

    I’ll give that a shot – move the folders etc. and see what happens.

    Thanks for the feedback. I’ll be back.


    Doctor Psyringe


    Doctor Psyringe


    You, sir, are a scholar and a saint. I considered it but your push into the action is what counts.

    Accounting for the “community” folder route (copying everything from the bp-legacy theme), and using the correct software to compare the old buddypress.css and the new buddypress.css – this should be a breeze in all the sweaty places.

    Originally, everything in the “community” folder was located in the root directory of the theme, which I imagine is how things used to be in BuddyPress stoneage edition.

    Thanks for the push!


    Hugo Ashmore


    Moving your files under a folder in root of theme as either ‘community’ or ‘buddypress’ with the folder structure as seen under BP’s bp-legacy folder will allow you to overload all the templates to be used by BP first if found in preference to it’s own copies with the benefit of using the bp functions file and other assets styles js both of which are also copyable to your theme, but best to leave all but css under bp control, however theme compatibility was made as flexible as possible by design and you can move the whole thing i.e functions.php and create a new instance of the theme compat class referencing your own paths and files etc.

    When you had your BP files directly in the theme root you were effectively telling BP that theme compat mode was disabled as it’s setup to run a check for files in certain paths and bail out of further theme compat setup, this is a tricky area though and the best advice is to work with theme compat as really there’s no good reason not to.

    The two articles – which I think you have read already – are a good reference, be sure to read the second one that goes into more depth on the extended template hierarchy for BP templates.

    Doctor Psyringe


    Right you are. Of course I removed all the old theme files, including global.js, and put the legacy folders under community.

    Thought I could keep the old buddypress.css – but as it turns out THAT was the source of double posting. I didn’t think a .css file could cause a post function error like that — but it did. So for future reference to users with the double post error — replace the old buddypress.css file and update the newer legacy buddypress.css adding any changes you may have made.

    Could be the source of all double posting — who knows? Seems to be a VERY open ended issue.

    Thanks for all the feedback — I’m 100% minus small modifications to .css and some weird “Settings” permalinks from the “Profile” I’ll research or request support for in a new topic (linking to posts on the WordPress or to a blank page). I also notice if a bbPress Topic has the same name as a User Profile, the user profile would link to the topic – but for now I deleted the topics as an easy fix.

    No idea how to mark topics resolved.


    Doctor Psyringe


    Also updating/replacing the buddypress.css in the Theme folder fixed “Page Reloading” whenever users tried to comment in the activity stream. Once that .css was updated, the buddypress was running smooth as butter (minus a few Profile permalink errors).


    Doctor Psyringe


    *updated tags

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