Good time
in this version of BuddyPress, I want to limit the default pages such as the user directory with “Restrick Content Pro” plugin.
In the new version of BuddyPress, there is no user directory and other pages in the “page” section on WordPress Dashboard, so that I can not limit them with the mentioned plugin.
Now how should I do this?
Hello, I’m sorry that it’s a little off topic, but I don’t know where to dig anymore, I’m trying to attach hashtags to the activity feed. I created a separate page and am trying to call the template entry.php its download is not displayed correctly!
For some reason, the styles are not loaded correctly. I have added screenshots.
And here is the page code itself:
Template Name: Hashtag Page
get_header(); ?>
<div class="activity" data-bp-single="<?php echo esc_attr( bp_current_action() ); ?>">
if ( isset( $_GET['tag'] ) ) {
$hashtag = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['tag'] );
echo '<h1>Hashtag : #' . esc_html( $hashtag ) . '</h1>';
// Використання BP_Loop для отримання активностей
if ( bp_has_activities( array( 'search_terms' => '#' . $hashtag ) ) ) : ?>
<ul id="activity-stream" class="activity-list item-list bp-list" data-bp-list="activity">
<?php while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity(); ?>
<?php bp_get_template_part( 'activity/entry' ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif;
} else {
echo '<p>Hashtag.</p>';
</div><!-- #primary -->
I will be glad for any suggestion.