Here you go: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/buddypress.2.0.3.zip
It’d be interesting to know what theme you found a problem with in 2.1, so we can check it out.
Hi, I’m using “Salutation” and after the 2.1 buddypress update my menus and slide shows do not work, and in collabpress you cannot create new projects.
I downloaded the 2.0.3 buddypress zip, how do I load it?
Yea, same thing happened to me.
Salutation is pointing the finger at v.2.1:
“I just updated my Salutation sandbox with v2.1 of BuddyPress and I can confirm that it is the BuddyPress plugin update that is conflicting with the Salutation theme, causing a JavaScript error. That error will most likely break various features that depend on JavaScript, among them the slideshow and the navigation menu drop-down menus; tabs and toggles also tend to break when there’s a JavaScript error on the page.”
I downloaded the above zip file, went to my control panel/files/…content/plugins/buddypress, added the suffix ‘old’ to the existing buddypress file and then uploaded the v.2.0.3 zipfile and activated. Everything back to normal.
Thanks. I was trying to edit the file shown in this post:
I only added the, “wp_enqueue….” line and went to update the file and now nothing works. The entire site won’t load, and I can’t login to wordpress.
Yikes. I guess I’ll need to call my main website host provider ‘Bluehost’ to get some help. I have no clue what I did wrong. Thanks.
@dhuntsha Just open up the file/s you made changes in and revert the changes. Then download zip file of BP 2.0.3 near the bottom of this page https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/2.0.3, unzip it, and upload the files to your server via s/FTP.
Salutation is pointing the finger at v.2.1
@forlath Salutation needs to be updated for compatibility with BP 2.1 or the solution might just be this patch https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/5889/5889.01.patch