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BuddyPress 6.0.0-beta1

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  • @closedloopers


    Will this be compatible with older installations? How difficult will the update be?



    I want to test this beta because there are so many issues & glitches in the current version I am about to trash the whole idea.



    Both it would be easier if you created your own threads to receive support.

    that really depends on whether any other plugins you use have been kept up to date and what custom code you have. BuddyPress iteself should be upgradeable from older versions by installing each of the major releases until you are up to date, they are available at the bottom of
    Remember and take a backup and test along the way.

    unfortunately unless you tell us what issues and glitches you are facing nobody on these forums will be able to provide much help. Feel free to create a new thread with more information and hopefully someone will be able to help out.



    Hi @imath is always beautifull know a major release of buddypress 🙂
    So first, thanks for very big work done by developers 🙂
    In the last version of buddypress I have detected the follow “error” in BUDDYPRESS LOGIN WIDGET:
    If I add in some checkboxes about TERMS OF USE, PRIVACY, I AGREE SENT COMERCIAL INFORMATION, and any other checkbox need to acomplish with DATA PROTECTION LEGISLATION, the checkboxes I add will be showed in but they will not be showed in the BUDDYPRESS LOGIN WIDGET.
    I think buddypress should to add some hook to make it. I am righy? Or I am wrong?
    Can you resolve this problem in new release?
    Follow I also add a thread I have opened right now. Maybe you can help me to resolve now this stupid error instead to wait next release (considerate that maybe in next release it will not be resolved…).

    How to show TERMS AND CONTIDIONS checkboxes in BuddyPress LogIn widget

    Please, let me know how can I resolve it. Please provide some solution about that.
    Thanks very very very much for your support.



    Hi @giuseppecuttone

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. I’ll take a look at it asap.

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