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Buddypress Activity does not delete/refresh when a bbpress topic is deleted

  • @ico33


    Sorry for my English, I try to explain. I have Buddypress and BBpress.

    If I create a topic with bbpress, it is then shown in buddypress activity. But, if the topic will be deleted, in my activity it will be shown again, and clicking on it, it will go to a page with 404 Error.

    Is there a way to make buddypress activity synchronize with bbpress?


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  • @ico33


    Also others have this problem? Can you confirm it?






    can somebody at least confirm that the problem exists? Or is a problem of my site?



    This is normally working. You may have a problem on your site.

    Try this:
    activate one of the twenty theme
    save your permalinks (even if you change nothing, just save)
    use the repair tool in dashboard and let it recalculate anything.
    If you use a cache plugin, clear it.
    Check also your brower (abuse of F5 if necessary) or clear at least the cookie history.



    @danbp thanks for your reply. I am not so expert, so it’s good that somebody helps.

    I use Dynamic News Pro (the theme), now I checked all the repair in FORUM and also Buddypress, but this doesn’t work. In my activity I still have a discussion that was deleted, and if I click on the activity – obviously – it gets the error 404 page not found.

    Do you think I have to change the theme? Or something else to suggest?



    No, i don’t think so.
    First check within dashboard > Activity that this activity doesn’t exist.
    Check also Forum’s topic list (within admin) and ensure you removed the whole topic and not only a reply to a topic or a reply to a reply… Weird i know, but it can happen.

    Perhaps you can also verify other activity type such as a profile upddate or publishing a notice.

    Create something who generates an activity.
    Go to Site Wide Activity on front and see if it appears.
    Go to dashboard and delete it from the list.
    Verify that it is removed on front.

    Now loggin as subscriber and not as site admin.
    Again create an activity. See if it appears and delete it.

    Finally do the same test with a forum topic, as site admin and single user.

    Also, do you use a standalone forum or group forums ?



    I changed the theme as suggested. Nothing to do. If I create a discussion (bbpress), it is shown in buddypress activity. If I delete the discussion from the forum, it is still present in activity, but oviously clicking on it it shows 404 error page not found.

    Any Idea?



    @danbp thanks again.

    I create I new topic, it goes to activity. That’s ok. Activity works, even with other items. Ok.

    I delete the topic: it is still in the activity! Ok, I went to dashboard and then activity: the activity is present also there! But the topic is not, in the dashboard. What the hell!!!



    @ico33, i have no exact idea what’s happening on your install. It’s a bit strange.

    From what you relate, when you delete a topic it is “normal” that it diseappear from dashboard (from topic list of Forum admin at least). On front it seems there is a problem. I presume you already tried to refresh the page after you got a 404 ?

    I already asked you if you use bbPress as standalone or group forum and if you use a cache. Can you give details about this please ?

    Anyway i think there is a bug somewhere, so please don’t panic and be patient.

    While testing this (wp 4.6, BP 2.6.2 and bbP 2.5.10) i got some difference between MS and single installs.

    – On MS, the activity is removed as soon as i delete the topic in forum admin. All my MS are live sites and use standalone forums.
    – On my local MS with standalone forum, nothing is removed from activity and i’m unable to restore a trashed topic.

    Doing the same thing on various local single install and group forums doesn’t remove the activity.
    Also on single, when i trash a topic i’m unable to untrash it.

    I quickly checked on BP & bbP trac but found nothing about this issue.

    , @netweb @jjj thanks for your thoughts !



    Here am I! And thanks, first of all.


    i have no exact idea what’s happening on your install. It’s a bit strange.

    From what you relate, when you delete a topic it is “normal” that it diseappear from dashboard (from topic list of Forum admin at least). On front it seems there is a problem. I presume you already tried to refresh the page after you got a 404 ? YES, OF COURSE.

    I already asked you if you use bbPress as standalone or group forum and if you use a cache. Can you give details about this please ? I AM NOT EXPERT AND ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE, SO I HOPE TO UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION. I AM NOT SPEAKING ABOUT A FORUM IN A GROUP, NO. I HAVE A PAGE WITH FORUMS, NOT RELATED TO GROUPS.

    Anyway i think there is a bug somewhere, so please don’t panic and be patient. OK, I’LL TRY 🙂

    While testing this (wp 4.6, BP 2.6.2 and bbP 2.5.10) i got some difference between MS and single installs.

    – On MS, the activity is removed as soon as i delete the topic in forum admin. All my MS are live sites and use standalone forums.
    – On my local MS with standalone forum, nothing is removed from activity and i’m unable to restore a trashed topic.

    Doing the same thing on various local single install and group forums doesn’t remove the activity.
    Also on single, when i trash a topic i’m unable to untrash it.

    I quickly checked on BP & bbP trac but found nothing about this issue.




    Just tried to deactivate some plugins, but nothing. I create a topic with bbpress, then delete it. And it is still in my activity (and in the activity-dashboard).



    Deleted the 2 plugins: bbpress and buddypress. Then re-installed both. Did another test: a new topic, then deleted. Still present in activity. The problem remains. Damn!

    At this point a question: is there a way to exclude bbpress from buddypress activity? Not through code, i’m not expert. Maybe a function, a plugin, or something to say to activity: not look at bbpress.




    I have another wordpress blog, without bbpress and buddypress. I tried to install there buddypress and bbpress, and try.

    WELL: the problem is absolutely the same. On another different blog. How is this possible?



    I don’t know, sorry ! And i’m even unsure if it is not a WP bug (what i suspect) or a little BP or bbP issue.
    I asked twice for this on BuddyPress Slack, without answer at this time.
    Suggest you open a bug ticket for this on Trac and add a link to this topic.
    You can loggin there by using the same credentials as on this forum.



    I was able to reproduce the problem described here, and I’ve opened a ticket to track it at

    Perhaps you could test the patch on that ticket, to see if it solves your problem. If so, leaving a comment on that bbPress ticket would be a great way to help.



    @boonebgorges, thank you for the patch. Works like a charm for standalone or group forums.




    Dear Danbp, as you suggested I opened the ticket, and I read the teplies here

    I am sorry, but I am not an expert and I did not understand what they are saying.

    1) they have noticed that the problem I was speaking was “real”, exists. Right?

    2) Somebody found a solution? Right?

    3) What’s the solution? I have to modify the code? Or an update of bbpress will be available with this adjustment?

    Thanks for explaining.




    1) yes – as i already explained

    2) yes

    3) the solution is to patch the file manually. It will be available in a future bbPress update, but i ignore the date… It’s better to patch immediatly, update can be in a long time.

    Here is the patch.
    – In red you see the current code.
    – In green the new one you can use.

    Remove the line in red and replace it by the green one. Note this modification in a safe place, in case the patch won’t be applied at next bbP update. This can happen and is available for absolutly any plugin, theme and even WP when it comes to patch core files.

    You see also the line number so it’s very easy to find it inside the file.
    The concerned file is mentionned in bold, above the diff. code itself.
    FYI the complete path is wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/activity.php

    I suppose you know how to copy/paste ? 🙂



    well…it seems that works!!!! 🙂

    THANKS a LOT!!!!!!

    Happy to have found a bug to show to the community. Thanks guys!

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