buddypress add field in profil
Hello to all.
I would like to put this code:
bp_profile_field_data ('field = Name your main character')
in place of the word “OlĂ®darkus” in the member-header.php
<? php echo do_shortcode ([armory-character show_title = "0" show_portrait = "1" show_talents = "0" show_items = "0" show_profs = "0" show_achievs = "0" locale = "en_US" region = "EU" realm = "The scarlet Crusade" name = "Olîdarkus"] ');?>
I have the latest verions of wordpress and buddypress
the plugin is placed in relation to: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wow-armory/for a list of members with this I managed code in members-loop.php:
<? php echo do_shortcode ([armory-character show_title = "0" show_portrait = "1" show_talents = "0" show_items = "0" show_profs = "0" show_achievs = "0" locale = "en_US" region = "EU" realm = "The scarlet Crusade" name = "'bp_get_member_name. ().'"] ');?> </ code>
Thank you in advance for your help.
I'm sorry for my English.
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