Works fine for a single install for me…
The upcoming 1.2.4 release will be tested/fixed to work with WordPress 3.0. Current version is not guaranteed to work.
Have you guys tested the fresh installation?
Im about to test this scenario:
1) WP 2.9.x
2) BP install (current state)
3) Upgrade WP to WP3.0b
4) Go to multisite network
5) Refresh BP
Does anybody some strong recomendation (like DONT DO IT
I’ve been using the alpha’s for 2 months and its been great so far. using sub-folders and actually running bp off of a sub-blog and not the main blog. few bugs..but overall great.
if your running a live site, i strongly suggest NOT to use 3.0 with 1.2.3!!!
wait for final versions from both WP and BP before upgrading.
it’s the safest thing to do 
I am running WP3 B1 with Buddypress 1.2.3, no 1.3 that I’ve seen yet. Works well besides Avatar issues.
I too am running WP3 B1 with BP 123 and no issues at all. Avatar issues were solved by this change (and by only uploading images that AREN’T square and are larger than 150px on their shortest side … Go figure)
That got me one step further, but then i got the RSOD -> There was a problem cropping your avatar, please try uploading it again
I’ve tried several installs and found using the activity stream and a blank blog page as static pages generates a page cannot be found error on the home page. However, this works fine with 2.9.2. Any suggestions? Thx!
@joesanch “I’ve tried several installs and found using the activity stream and a blank blog page as static pages generates a page cannot be found error on the home page. However, this works fine with 2.9.2. Any suggestions? Thx!”
I have same problem with wp 3.0 rc network and buddypress ( blank page and cannot be found error on the admin page )
Any suggestions?
Can you guys help me with this:

Please make a new post, @ri-kun. This one is two months old and is on a different topic. We’ll reply in the other post, but what I think you need to do is go in and remove everyone from the root blog (they’ll be assigned as a ‘contributor’ or other user role by default). An alternative would be to edit the template so it always skips that item; I’m not sure what the consequence of removing that default user role would be.