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BuddyPress and WP Custom Post Types?

  • @jacobopolavieja


    Hello all,

    I’m new to both WordPress and BuddyPress. I have been programming some custom post types for a project I’m doing where I wanted to use BuddyPress. I never thought about if custom post types would be compatible with BuddyPress, but now I see this .

    Is there any problems in using BuddyPress with custom post types? Is it even possible?

    Thanks for helping. Cheers!

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  • @jacobopolavieja


    Ok, I think I got it… Trying to display WP Custom Post Types in the normal way in my BuddyPress theme, works without problem.

    After re-reading @kunalb ‘s plugin description, I think what it intends is to provide custom post types with a more tightful integration to BuddyPress, like having their own section (such as Groups, Activity Strems, etc).
    As I don’t need that kind of functionality right now, I think I’m good with just being able to display my custom post types in my site’s several blogs.

    Could anyone confirm I’m not missing anything and that’s @kunalb ‘s plugin intention?

    Thanks a lot! Cheers!



    Anyways, I think I’ll explore the plugin for some things in the future as it seems pretty good!



    @JacobPolavieja Yup — by default BP treats WP Custom Post types like normal blog posts and inherits the standard functionality. BPCP sidesteps the whole WP display, etc. procedure, and makes custom post types behave like a component in BP — if you were to register a post type using BPCP too, you’d get activity stream integration, a separate directory for that particular post type, a front end editor that mimics the back end admin screen to an extent (inheriting custom widgets you add, etc — this will be slowly improved over time), and default theme files that are automatically picked up from within the plugin unless you have replacements defined in your themes folder.



    Also, try out EventPress . That is the only plugin right now using BPCP (BPCP was developed as an offshoot of EP, to be honest) and can give you an idea of the kind of functionality provided by EventPress.



    Thanks a lot @kunalb for taking the time to answer. I will surely look at EventPress’ source code, as some of the thing you mention can be of help to me. Maybe not to have a separate directory for my custom types nor the editor, but to have them picked up in activity streams would be GREAT.

    Thank you so much for your work and clarifications, really appreciate it. Cheers!

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