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Buddypress Default theme 1.2 – add more sidebar column

  • @kiwipearls


    I am used to a 3 column layout for my site and since updating to the new buddypress – my old Arclite theme does not work properly – only works for members sites but not the main MU site.

    So how do I go about adding a second widget to the buddypress default 1.2 theme? Also, I would like to add a footer widget as well.

    If someone gives me the code, I can easily edit this, but i am not good at coding from scratch.

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  • @r-a-y


    modemlooper created a child theme with a widgetized front page:

    Check that out.



    Hey just wanted to point that while ‘widgetized home page” is one possible solution it may not be for everyone. I say this for two reasons. The first being that itonly adds columns to the front page. This means that one is still stuck with the default two column layout on all other pages. Second it has a bug that can alter widget display with some widgets.

    Oh and (I may be wrong on this one) I don’ thing that this theme allows for activity streams on the front page.



    My child theme is just a widgetized page template you can still use a front activity page if you want. I’m updating the code to fix the widgets. The css for a couple widgets are coded to fit the default sidebar. After I update I’ll post it in the repo.

    If you activate the child theme and do nothing it is just the default theme. You need to create a page and choose the widgetized page template and then add widgets to the admin >> widgets



    Not sure if this is doable but it would great if you could have the added widget colums on all the pages.



    Why not just install the backwards compatibility plugin?



    or try to make WP theme compatible with BP



    Thanks for all your reply guys. I will check everything out. :-)



    Kwiw please lets us know if you find any other options out there. I for one am always looking for more oprions on stuff like this.



    FWIW, i’d like to see an extra column on the front page to the right of the activity stream. On mine, I would show featured posts…this would give a site admin some editorial control and turn a community into a news source.



    Widgetized home-page is great but i am missing the main activity stream there :(

    Is it possible to add activity stream as a widget? or is there a plugin for that? Thanks.



    @ @syasar There is a Sitewide Activity Widget plugin good for BP 1.2+ by @sbrajesh

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