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Buddypress Docs

  • @joehonny


    I am looking for a document plugin for my buddypress 4.2 site any recommendation? I am on wordpress 5.1

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  • @venutius


    There’s two you could try, BuddyPress Docs which is a bit old but still works. Or my own plugin BP Post Status which is the new kid on the block.

    BuddyPress Docs sets up it’s own post type and adds collaborative editing to it. This means that the editing experience is somewhat limited.

    BP Post status uses standard posts and add group based statuses to it so that posts can be assigned as Group posts, members only friends only etc and since it uses posts (or any other post type) you can exxjoy the full classic editor or my own front end publisher – BP Site Post Note that Gutenberg does not support custom post statuses so it can only really be used in classic editor mode.

    There’s a couple of other options, such as BuddyDev’s Blog Categories for Groups or if you are looking for a document library there BP Documents.



    Thanks but are we able to attach document to the group site using you plugin?



    Yes you can, you can create a standard post and save it as a group post, and set the visibility to public, group members only, or site members only. The post then shows in the Group Posts directory for that group. One of these the group admin can set as the group home page.



    I have about 30 different buddyboss groups. Recently, documents disappeared from one group library, then i reuploaded them… and now they appear in all 30 group libraries. It is as if all of my documents are linked across all groups. Why are my group documents not acting separately? each group should have its own “documents” library..right?



    BuddyBoss has a document handler. So you could use that.
    For questions specific to the BuddyPress Docs plugin, you should contact the creators of that plugin.

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