Who is your hosting company?
Try the automatic install from the WordPress admin plugins page:
Search for BuddyPress, then install and activate.
Godaddy is my hosting company.
That’s where I’m trying to install it from. The admin page. buddypress does not show up in the list for me to activate it. I find out that it’s in the upgrade folder. Why does it not complete the installation?
From the initial post, I thought you FTP’d the BuddyPress plugin.
Try the manual method instead.
Download the ZIP, upload the contents of the folder to your wp-content/plugins/ folder and activate it.
Tried that. It was uploading the file.
I get a page that stops at:
Installing Plugin from uploaded file: buddypress.1.2.31.zip
Unpacking the package.
That’s all. Nothing more. I check the installed list, and it’s not listed.
Thank you for your help.
You don’t upload the ZIP file, you upload what is inside the ZIP file.
Once you’ve uploaded the /buddypress/ folder into /wp-content/plugins/, in your WP Plugins page, you should see BuddyPress in the plugins list.
Then you should be able to activate it.
It asks for a zip file. I tried selecting just the buddypress folder and it will not upload the folder. It will only upload individual files.
What asks you for a zip file?
Do you have an unzipping program?
Unzip the “buddypress” folder from buddypress.1.2.3.zip to a local area on your computer.
Use Filezilla and login to your FTP, navigate to your web server’s /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
Upload the entire “buddypress” folder to “wp-content/plugins” with FileZilla.
You can do this by dragging and dropping the “buddypress” folder from your computer to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder in Filezilla.
Now login to the WP dashboard, navigate to “Plugins”, you should see BuddyPress.
How far do you get?
open your .htaccess file in the root wordpress folder and put this on the top
AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php
AddHandler x-httpd-php .php4
then try again. If you don’t have .htaccess file create one.