If you do it in widgets, you could use something like widget_logic() and then check for something like `if(bp_is_group_home())`
These type of template tags can be found in /bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php so you can narrow it down as you need 
Thanks for your advise. I am not a techie guy but I could able to realize what you have said!
I understand that the paypal donate button should be visible in a group page. What my requirements are, it should be amended only by group admins such that they can update their paypal email ids to get donations. In this buddypress.org website, the groups have a link called Donate which is what I am searching for. I knew it’s not an easy or too difficult for any techie to achieve this functionality. I am expecting a built-in plugin. If not, is there any one who could help me out here?
Thanks in advance.