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BuddyPress Email Issues with New Installation

  • @dfarland


    WordPress 4.4.2 (New Installation)
    BuddyPress 2.5.2
    bbPress 2.5.8
    Theme: Spacious 1.3.8
    Hosting: Media Temple (Grid)

    I am nearly finished with the setup of my site, but quickly realized that I am having trouble with BuddyPress emails. WordPress emails are working fine, but none of the BP emails are going through to the admin or the users. I’ve read through a lot of forum posts suggesting various SMTP plugins, but haven’t seemed to find the magic plugin (or plugin configuration) to get it working. I tried PostMan and Easy WP SMTP, as well as some I don’t recall the name of. In all cases, the WordPress mail continued to get delivered as well as the test emails sent via the plugins, but never the BuddyPress mail. Interestingly enough, I noticed that with Postman installed it didn’t even show that it tried to send an email from BuddyPress. Other emails showed up in the log, but BuddyPress never registered.

    I’ve also been looking at my host configuration and I have opened a support request with them to see if they might be able to shed some light on this. During my research I came across the following in their WordPress documentation.

    — Begin Quote —
    Third-party Mail Connections

    While no third-party mail plugins are explicitly banned by our plugin blocker, all connections from ports 25, 465, and 587 are blocked for security reasons. Therefore, it is not possible to send mail from your WordPress Hosting service using a third-party mail system.
    — End Quote —

    Now, I might accept this could be the issue, but I’ve seen a lot of people, including moderators, that have recommended Media Temple and are using them for their BuddyPress installation. Either this quote does not apply to my Grid account or they’ve figured out how to work around it. Hopefully one of these WP/BP users on MT has some insight for me.


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  • @dfarland


    I just saw this thread along with some others. I’ll be patient to see what comes up. Thanks in advance.



    I’ve confirmed the 3rd party email blocking only applies to (mt)’s WordPress hosting not their Grid system. Unfortunately, that means I’m back to it being a BuddyPress / SMTP issue.

    I’ve tried a couple of other email plugins and none have worked either. Again, regular WP emails are working fine.





    It doesn’t appear to be. The only emails I’m receiving are those initiated by WP or bbPress. The emails related to activation, group requests, mentions, and other BuddyPress emails are not coming through.



    There is one other tweak that’s coming up in BuddyPress 2.5.3 (not sure when it’ll be released, would guess a week or two) that might address it. After 2.5.3, BuddyPress should be identical with WordPress in terms of compatibility with the majority of plugins that help WordPress support SMTP.

    For the record, if you’re running a plugin that defines wp_mail() that helps you have WordPress’ emails be sent, then it just won’t work with BuddyPress.



    Thanks Paul.

    I saw the Trac and I’ll hold out hope that is it. I never used any email plugins until I started troubleshooting this issue. I’ll happily drop them for BP emails.

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