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BuddyPress Forum Move Topic 0.0.1

  • @3sixty


    Here is some code that will move an entire Forum thread from one Group Forum to another:

    I’d call it Alpha, but it does seem to work quite well.

    There are some hard coded aspects that will need to be fixed to be compatible with all BP installs.

    BFMT 0.0.1 provides a drop-down that allows Group Admins and Mods to move entire topic threads to other public, private, or hidden forums. To avoid user confusion, it notifies the topic poster via email alert that the topic was moved + provides a link to the relocated topic. You should note that this is set up for BP forums that utilize “sitewide mod/admin” setup, i.e., it’s OK for mods/admins to move topic to a forum where they are NOT a mod/admin. May fix permissions in future (especially if you help).

    This is currently an old school hack, not a plugin. Would recommend running on a test server first to make sure you’re happy with it. To test:

    1. copy this code to your theme’s topic.php file directly below line 1 (the call to bp_has_forum_topic_posts)

    2. edit DROP DOWN MENU options below (starting around line 115)

    This is in need of review, testing, and transformation into a plugin. I did try to turn it into a neat function but wasn’t immediately able to get the forum variables to carry over… help?

    Look forward to your feedback!

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  • @stwc


    Good stuff, 3sixty, thanks! Don’t have a need for it yet, but I’ll enjoy digging through the code (and may well need it in future)!



    @3sixty, I hope you’re able to turn it into a plugin. I know that it would come in handy and quite useful for users out there.



    Serious! Need this BAD! I’m tempted to can the forum directory new topic dialog because I stated a few months back people will start posting in the wrong groups and it’s happening quit frequently.



    thanks guys, I’m happy to help, but I’m an amateur coder and I’ve never done a plugin before. I’ve seen the wp codex entry on creating plugins but am just trying to get my own site up and running at the moment. If any of you can suggest a “how to write a plugin” shortcut that would be great.

    I just had a revelation tonight that it would be relatively trivial to extend this to topic merge and topic split, completing the “holy trinity” of forum manipulation.

    It also seems that wp hacks are becoming a lost art – I tried to make the code paste-able, and simple as possible, so you could just grab it immediately and run with it? Is it not working for you?



    Wow! Really usefull hack! Thanks a lot. Hopefully it will be made into a plugin or a part of the core :)



    @etiviti (rich!) can you add this to your forums extras plugin? *hey whats that a shooting star?, wish*



    Yeah what Mode said!



    “I just had a revelation tonight that it would be relatively trivial to extend this to topic merge and topic split, completing the “holy trinity” of forum manipulation.”




    I “officially” released Move Topic 0.0.2 as a PLUGIN and started a new thread for it. Suggest we continue the discussion there

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