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BuddyPress group forum now shows up as bbPress forum

  • @bjwangschowe


    WP: 3.5
    bbPress: 2.2.3
    BuddyPress: 1.6.3
    Site URL:

    My site has both group forums (powered by BuddyPress) and sitewide forums (powered by bbPress). I had upgraded BuddyPress from 1.6.1 to 1.6.3 and started doing some testing. During testing, I disabled an existing group’s forum (the group is ‘745-Instructional Web Authoring I’ and contained one topic and one reply). I then re-enabled this group’s forum via the group’s admin tab. Now, when I navigate to this group’s home page/tab (Community > Groups > 745 Instru….), the activity correctly shows one topic and one reply was posted to this group. However, when I click on this group’s forum tab, I get

    ‘Sorry, there were no forum topics found!’

    It would seem the link between the topic and its group is broken.

    Also, this group’s forum is no longer listed under BuddyPress’ Group Forums page(Community > Group Forums), instead it listed as a site wide forum in the forum list generated by bbp_forum_index shortcode (Site Forums menu tab).

    I have NOT migrated BuddyPress Discussion Forums to bbPress yet, I don’t understand how an existing group forum with topics and replies would become a site forum with 0 topics and replies.

    Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.

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  • @bjwangschowe


    I did a little digging into the database tables and found:

    • Records for all activities/actions related to the ‘745-Instructional Web…’ group are still present in wp_bb_forums, wp_bb_post, wp_bb_topics, and wp_bp_activity tables.
    • One record was generated in wp_posts with
      • post_type=’forum’
      • post_parent=0
      • post_title=’745-Instructional Web….’
      • post_status=’publish’

    So, it would seemed when I unchecked ‘I want this group to have a forum’ via the group’s admin tab, saved it, I have effectively “unlinked” the group’s discussion forum and its content from the group. This group forum and its content are now ‘orphaned’.

    Then when I re-checked ‘I want this group….’ for the ‘745…’ group, a new group discussion forum was created using bbPress 2.2.3 rather than the BuddyPress’s customized bbPress V1.x. This new group forum (with 0 content) is then linked to group. This would explain the record found in wp_post table.

    Is this the expected behaviour? I need to fix this before attempting to migrate existing BP group discussion forums to bbPress 2.2.3 as recommended by the BuddyPress team.



    if you use 1.7 trunk you can proceed. If you’re on the stable release 1.6.3, you have to check the path of the group forum and the path of the SW forum.

    Bp use by default “forums” for group forums and this slug has priority. This means it cannot be reused for another page, like bbPress plugin.

    bbPress plugin comes by default with the same slug name (settings > forum > forum slug)

    You simply have to change this to something other.



    @Chouf1, thanks for the quick reply. It is BP1.6.3, the stable released version. My site is and has been configured to use both bbPress and BP ever since BP1.5 and has not changed. There aren’t any pages with the ‘forums’ slug.

    1. slugs for bbPress are:
      • Forum base: Forum
      • Forum slug: forum
    2. BP Discussion Page slug is group-forums

    Since I limited the testing to ‘745…’ group, only this group’s forum was affected. All other group forums and their contents remain intact. This confirms there are no “slug” conflicts between bbPress and BP.



    i repeat: you have to change the bbpress forum base name.

    read here, it’s better english as mine.



    @Chouf1, I did follow the document you referenced define group and site forum slug setting. Site forum continue to use the default slugs (Archive Slugs for Forum base is “Forums” (sorry for the typo in the earlier reply, and Single Slugs for Forum slug is “forum”).

    To avoid slug conflict, I chose (as recommended in the same doc you referenced) to create a page title ‘Group Forums’ and with ‘group-forums’ slug. Then in Settings > BuddyPress, under Pages, BuddyPress’ Discussion Forum component directory is associated with the Group Forums page.

    If you check my site’s ( group discussion forums (Community>Group Forums) and site forum (Site Forums), you can see both group and site forums being properly listed.

    These settings have been in place and working before I upgraded BuddyPress from V1.6.1 to V1.6.3. My question is after upgrading BuddyPress, why by disabling then enabling an existing group forum for a group causes that group’s forum to become listed as site forum with 0 topics and replies?



    group-forums vs. site-forums: both are using “forums”

    in the core, BP use the name “forums” for group forums and this is how BP manage his integrated forum part on bbpress 1.2 (from head)
    in your bbpress 2.2.3 setting you use the default “forum” in base name. Change this and you will see that your forums will run correctly.
    It’s a mistake to think that a simple “s” will make a difference…

    See here:
    You’re now on BP 1.6.3, not on 1.5… things are changing !



    @Chouf1, although both bbPress and BP use the “forums” slugs by default, they are configurable. I used the documentation in codex to configure the slugs such that no conflicts exist between group and site forums. In my case, I chose to altered BP’s default from ‘forums’ to ‘group-forums’ and allow the site forums to continue to use ‘forums’ for base slug —– which is one of the recommendations in the codex documentation.

    However, just to make sure I went ahead and changed the following:

    • BP group forum’s slug changed from ‘group-forums’ to ‘forums’
    • bbPress’s site forum base changed from ‘forums’ to ‘siteforums’

    The result is EXACTLY the same as my original post which is by disabling then enabling an existing group forum for a group causes that group’s forum to become listed as site forum with 0 topics and 0 replies. While all other groups’ forum and topics remain as group forums.

    @Chouf1, have you check my site?



    I have found two other posts in this forum ( @HorrorUK‘s post and @mt78‘s post) that have the same problem — which is when an existing group’s forum setting is toggled (disabled the re-enabled):

    • topics and replies in that forum no longer show up in that group’s forum
    • get ‘There was an error when creating topic.’ message when trying to create a topic in that group’s forum
    • the group’s forum now shows up under site wide forum listing

    The conflict seems to be stemming from the combination of bbPress and BuddyPress’s discusssion forum component. When an existing group’s forum setting is being re-enabled, it would seem bbPress is used to re-create that forum. This would explain why the group’s forum end up showing under the site forum listing ([bbp_forum_index]). However, when trying to post topic to that forum, BP’s doesn’t quite know where the forum is and therefore unable to process the request.

    I would like to hear someone from the BuddyPress development team’s thoughts on this.



    yes, i checked it. But now you did the changes, we’re sure (for the moment) that the bug is elsewhere.

    If you want answers from the dev i suggest you to open a ticket on the trac with as much details as possible and a link to this discussion, too.

    you can login with same credentials as here.

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