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BuddyPress Groups Activity posting fails based on WP comment moderation setting

  • @kalico


    This is perhaps a cross between a bug report and a feature request.

    The problem is that activity updates are failing based on the comment moderation setting in WP. The feature request is for either a) an actual moderation queue in BP, or b) a more useful error message to the user.

    Here’s what the problem looks like in action:

    In a BP Group, when posting an activity update, commenting on an activity update, or replying to an existing activity update, if the post contains more than the allowed number of links for WP comment moderation (as set in Admin >> Settings >> Discussion >> Comment Moderation >> “Hold a comment in the queue if it contains X links”) the post is rejected with an unhelpful error message: “There was an error posting your reply. Please try again.”

    I have tested this on a vanilla site with twenty-thirteen as well as a production site with lots of plugins and a commercial theme. In both cases, the posting was successful when the Comment Moderation setting was changed to a greater number than the number of links in the posting.

    BuddyPress: Version 2.3.4
    WordPress: Version 4.3.1


    1. Comment moderation is set to “hold in moderation queue if comment contains 2 links”.
    2. Go to Group >> Activity where input field says “What’s new in {{group_name}}, {{username}}?”
    3. Post an update, or comment, or reply with 2 links to get the error message.
    4. Change moderation setting to 3 links.
    5. Activity update/comment/reply with 2 links posts successfully.
    6. Now an activity update/comment/reply with 3 links gets the error message.

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