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BuddyPress in /plugins/ not /mu-plugins/ from r1303+

  • @apeatling


    Please read this:

    This is the change needed to support automatic updates, and the reason why 1.0 has been delayed until WPMU 2.7.1.

    Any questions, please post them here and I will try and help out.


    For the plugins:

    1. Delete all the BuddyPress plugins from /mu-plugins/
    2. Download the latest from the trunk (via svn co is best) or use the zip link at the bottom of this page:
    3. Extract or checkout all of the plugins to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/
    4. Log in as a site admin, and head to the \”Plugins\” admin panel. You will need to activate the \”BuddyPress\” plugin.

    If you are using the default BuddyPress themes with no changes:

    1. If you are using the default themes with no changes, delete the /wp-content/member-themes/ directory.
    2. Move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/
    3. If you want to use the BuddyPress home theme, move /wp-content/bp-themes/buddypress-home/ to /wp-content/themes/buddypress-home/

    If you are using your own customized themes:

    1. Copy the functions.php in /buddypress-member/ theme to your own BuddyPress member theme\’s functions.php file.
    2. Copy the header.php from the /buddypress-member/ theme to your own BuddyPress member theme, make any adjustments you need.
    3. Copy the /directories/ folder from the /buddypress-member/ theme into your own BuddyPress member theme.
    4. Copy the \”directories.css\” file from the /css/ directory into your own BuddyPress theme\’s /css/ directory (or paste the styles into your style.css file if you do not have a css directory.
    5. Make sure your BuddyPress member theme is sitting in /wp-content/bp-themes/[theme-name] NOT /wp-content/member-themes/[theme-name]

    If you are using a modified version of the BuddyPress home theme:

    1. Copy the functions.php in /buddypress-home/ theme to your own home theme’s functions.php file.
    2. Copy the header.php from the /buddypress-home/ theme to your own home theme, make any adjustments you need.

    Once WordPress MU 2.7.1 is released there will be a proper zip to download of RC2, so people can ease into these changes. Shortly after 1.0 will be released.

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  • @jeffsayre



    I had no option to turn on each buddypress plugins

    BuddyPress is now considered a single plugin. Once you\’ve activated it in the Plugins menu, you go to the BuddyPress menu group at the bottom. Click on “Component Setup”, and you can enable and disable each component separately.

    where should bp-custom go? the same dir as buddypress after r1303?

    That is correct.



    Log in as a site admin, and head to the \”Plugins\” admin panel. You will need to activate each plugin (activate CORE first).

    Thanks Jeff. The original instruction was kinda confusing. :)



    uhhg. Wrecked my member theme. But I must say the structure is way better.



    I am confused by step #4:

    Log in as a site admin, and head to the \”Plugins\” admin panel. You will need to activate each plugin (activate CORE first).

    In my context the BuddyPress plugin in shows up as a single plugin – I can’t enable “each plugin and activate CORE first”.

    I also seem to have the problem, that all my MU sites are “out of the BP context” now. Their activity/comments do now show up in the global activity stream anymore until I manually enable the (singular) BuddyPress-Plugin on each MU site. (see this thread here





    I overlooked the “Please also make sure you are not using the MU trunk, but the 2.7 branch.” — I was using the WPMU trunk. So I “downgraded” to the 2.7 branch.

    Now I have “Activate XYZ plugin sitewide”-Options in the Plugin area. I still have a single BP-Plugin though. I activated the BP Plugin sitewide. And it seems to worl fine.

    But I ran into following problem:

    I needed to update “/wp-includes/capabilities.php” to the one of the trunk-Version. The one of the 2.7-branch gave me this error on all pages:

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in
    /www/wpmu/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 537

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in
    /www/wpmu/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 537

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in
    /www/wpmu/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 539



    i made a first uprgrade tu the 2.7 branches version and bdpress trunk over 1303

    now i am making update to 2.7.1 and buddypress rc2

    (i thought it wuold be much more easy than the previous one that worked properly in fact)

    two problems :

    impossible to make the blog by blog update work properly :

    Warning! Problem upgrading http://subdomain.domain/. Your server may not be able to connect to blogs running on it.

    Error message: Couldn’t resolve host ‘subdomain.domain’

    (which a wpmu error)

    what does that mean ?

    and when installing rc2 new as a plugin

    in fact the buddypress bar is at the end of the template as a menu list not an admin bar

    this might be linked with the fact i do not manage this *$** blog update

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