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[Resolved] Buddypress interfering with basic WP functions and other plugins

  • roddaut



    I’ve noticed recently that when logged into my WordPress dashboard that the side menus that used to pop up when I put my mouse over an item no longer show up.

    For example, when I put my mouse over Posts in the past, I would see options show up such as Options, Add New etc. but with Buddypress enabled these options don’t show up any longer.

    Also, Gravatar forms disappear when Buddypress is enabled. Wp Courseware won’t allow me to create new courses when Buddypress is enabled and also many other features in WP Courseware cannot work because the menus are not accessible when Buddypress is enabled.

    I discovered that Buddypress was the problem by disabling all plugins. When I did that the side menus in wordpress were accessible again. I then re-enabled one plugin at a time to see which one caused the problem. Once Buddypress was enabled the side menus no longer produced sub-menus when I put my mouse over them.

    My website is a paid membership website at

    If someone can help me with this problem I’d be grateful. I’m also willing to pay a programmer to examine and fix the problem.

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  • danbp


    When was Canvas latest update ? Do you use a child-theme ?
    Have you tested with one of WP’s Twentysomething theme ?



    I keep everything up to date when WordPress says something needs to be updated. So I don’t know when the last update was made to Canvas. I do not use child-themes. I have not tried the Twentysomething theme. Since the problem was happening in the dashboard itself I thought the theme might not be the issue. I’ll check though just to be sure. Thanks for the suggestion.



    hi @roddaut,

    don’t thought to much, a theme can influence over all a site, including the admin. This happens in 90% of the issues handled on this forum.

    Thought the latest Canvas was 2014.10.14 – version 5.8.5



    I tried updating our theme and that didn’t help.

    Then I tried another premium theme that we’d stopped using and sure enough everything worked again. Thanks so much for your suggestion.

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