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[Resolved] Buddypress Last Seen Privacy

  • @kyla123


    Can someone explain to me how to remove Active _ min/hrs ago from everyone’s member profiles, including mine as the Admin? I see that as an invasion of privacy. I’ve been researching this and it seems I would have to remove it by using/editing code. I don’t know much about that. From my admin dashboard, I know I can click on
    Plugins > Editor > Select plugin to edit: Buddypress
    Other than that, I am lost. There is a whole page of code along with other Plugin Files to choose from on the right-hand side.
    If someone could walk me through this in simple terms, I would greatly appreciate it.

    I have the Twenty Fourteen theme installed on my website, if that helps.

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  • @kyla123


    I fixed it. Opened the editor on my theme (style.css) and entered this code at the very bottom:
    #buddypress span.activity { display: none; }



    Actually, it didn’t “fix” it……….. It shows when the page is being refreshed.
    I want it gone.



    i downloaded the snippets plugin and found this code to add:

    /* remove "not recently active" */
    function bpfr_core_get_last_activity( $last_activity_date, $string ) {
    		if ( empty( $last_activity_date ) )
    				// we do nothing
    				$last_active = '';
    				$last_active = sprintf( $string, bp_core_time_since( $last_activity_date ) );
    add_filter( 'bp_core_get_last_activity', 'bpfr_core_get_last_activity' );
    /* remove whole recently active filter */
    function bpfr_remove_last_activity_filter() {
        remove_filter( 'bp_core_get_last_activity', $last_active, $last_activity_date, $string );
    add_filter( 'bp_core_get_last_activity', 'bpfr_remove_last_activity_filter' );

    activated this code/snippet^ and that seems to have worked, even when refreshing the page.

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