BuddyPress Like
I’ve just submitted my first plugin to the WP Plugin repo, it adds the ability for users to ‘like’ activities on a users stream.
Still in a basic state, I’m going to be updating it over the coming days to include many other social areas of BuddyPress.
n i c e !!!
This sounds really intersting! I haven’t checked ur plugin yet, but i’ll definitely do so in the next few days.
I have one idea for a future version: A directory that shows the Items with most likes (6hours, Today, Week, Year)
I believe this would help people to filter through most important news on a crowded network.
Notifications has been a bit of a pain, so that will come in later… sorry
Currently working on adding visibility options as @Rbl suggested, as well as options for the number of likers to display from the settings screen as @xp02ed added.
@21cdb I love the idea of having a page to show the most popular content, this will be a bigger job but I’m definitely including it! I will also include a widget to show similar data.
I’m using the latest version of WPMU and BP 1.1.3 and it doesn’t work. Is this only for BP 1.2?
Yeah, it almost certainly requires BP 1.2+, I’d imagine.
Ah, I didn’t see the requirement for BP on the depository page, just that you needed WPMU 2.9… Oh well, it was definitely something I was interested in.
Although I’d love to support previous versions of BuddyPress, I simply don’t have the time to test against them. I’ll make sure it works great with 1.2 and above though.
@dwpers If you’re using the old default theme, maybe consider upgrading to 1.2 and using the Backwards Compatibility Plugin? There’s plenty of people on the forums who can help if you find the upgrade tricky…
@hempsworth Great work so far!
Any thoughts on translations or custom messages? So members can ‘love’ or ‘dig’ something instead of ‘like’ it. May be best done through the back-end.
As soon as custom messages are possible, I’ll definitly start using this.
Yep, me too!
Localization or better, all the messages are costumizable from backend. Cool stuff, though! (I think I will add through css a little graphic instead of the text…
Version 0.0.4 is now available.
It allows you to choose the visibility of ‘likers’ when ‘View likes’ is clicked. Adds an options screen to the admin panel under ‘BuddyPress -> BuddyPress Like’.
The next release will include the ability to have custom messages and will have full localization support. How comprehensive do you want the custom messages to be?
For example, do you want to be able to change the wording of messages like this: “You are the only person who likes this so far.” or do you just want to be able to change “like” to “love”, “dig” etc?
Version 0.0.5 is now available.
* Fixes a bug when a user tries to view likes when they have no friends.
* Inserts the ‘View likes’ button if the user is the first to like an item.
Wow! That was fast! Will test as soon as possible.
> For example, do you want to be able to change the wording of messages like this:
> “You are the only person who likes this so far.” or do you just want to be able to change “like” to “love”, “dig” etc?
Full text would be better, specially for everyone using BP in a non-EN setup.
Thanks for the suggestion, however, I’m using a highly edited child theme which also required me to edit the bp-core files (yikes I know!). A lot of custom php work went into the site.
See it: http://www.fanspeak.com not sure if by taking a look anyone can suggest a way of doing the backwards compatibility Hempsworth mentioned. I’ll look into it.
Full translation support is coming in 0.0.6, if you are interested in translating the plugin into your language please let me know and I can create the translation set over on my GlotPress install which will allow you to easily translate the strings.
Count me in!
@hempsworth If you would make the messages highly customizable (all of them), then you wouldn’t need a localization
. I would like that, so I can choose, what users see…
Full translation support is coming in 0.0.6, if you are interested in translating the plugin into your language please let me know and I can create the translation set over on my GlotPress install which will allow you to easily translate the strings.
I’d like to do the italian translation. Thanks.
I thought about your question: pomo or changeable in the admin-section.
I think most people able to run BP and dependant plugins will at least understand something of English. So they’ll understand the plugin-admin in English.
I did a bit of translating using pomo’s before. It’s not really user friendly. So just being able to quickly change/translate all strings from the backend would be fine for me. Think it might just be the most user friendly option.
Having said that: I’ll translate the plugin to Dutch. No problem.
I have a combination of both coming up later this evening. All of the text strings are editable from the admin panel, however the defaults and other text will be localized so it ‘just works’ out of the box. I see modifying the wording as a more advanced option, but I can definitely see the importance of having it there.
Which language are you able to translate into?
BuddyPress Like 0.0.6 is now available
* Full translation support for default messages
* Custom messages, editable from the admin panel. Upgrade now!
If you’d like to help with the translation effort, visit my translations page, or let me know if your language isn’t listed.
Erroring out with new version on Admin page for Buddypress like:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-like/bp-like.php on line 736
(great plugin though!)
(I auto-upgraded, and reverting to 0.0.5 fixed it)
Yep sorry about that, I caught the bug as soon as I tagged the release. I’ve updated 0.0.6, so you can safely upgrade
Problem. With 0.0.6 I can’t save a post draft or preview it. I just a get a screen saying, “You do not have permission to do that.”
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