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Buddypress Localization

  • @janismo



    can not find correct topic so I start new one.
    I have an issue with localization of activities titles in BP 1.2.7.

    If I have three languages and activity is published under language nr.1, when www is switched to the language nr.2 or 3, activity title won’t be changed/translated, but will remain as language nr.1 (however, all are in .po), but title of new activity will be written in new/chosen language.
    Here I mean all these titles like “joined group, posted update…”, all the titles of activities.

    Is it known issue?


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  • @boonebgorges


    It’s not so much an “issue” as it is a feature of the way things work in BP. The activity action (“James posted a new forum topic…”) is saved directly to the database; it is translatable at the time of creation, but after that it is a literal string in the database and cannot be translated. This may be changed in the future, but for now, there’s not a straightforward way to fix this. (You could build a filter to do the replacement on a language-by-language basis)



    thanks @boonebgorges
    already found acceptable solution, changing lines in .po files, then translating these lines back to origin etc…not the best way, but is ok.



    If I may join in to this line….
    If have a question about that activitystream…
    When people type in their own language in the activity-stream, would it be possible to select the post in one language. For example when people post messages in English, french and german, would it be possible to filter out all the french posts? I don’t believe that feature already exist but to my logic understanding it must be as easy or as difficult as filtering out your friends.
    It would be a great solution for my site.

    One more question….
    Is it possible to localize the registerpage?



    can not help you with first question, way above my skills.

    if you mean registration page than it is already in .po files, but all additional fields (from base group) you could simply write in necessary language.




    I think it is small bp issue:

    words “Group created successfully.” are not in bp .po file. tried to find them in bp files manually, no success. Could anyone please point me to where these words come from?

    thank you!



    If these are the exact words, they are not from BP. Did you use a custom theme with a language file ? Show there….



    ok, now I got it. BP does not display any message after group is created. This message comes from invite-anyone and even If I have it translated in the latest version of the plugin, in the frontend it still is in english.
    @boonebgorges is there any existing fix for this, or I should change it manually in plugin’s files (from codestyle localization it looks like it has “buddypress” textdomain)?

    thank you.

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