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BuddyPress New User Activation Emails & Resends not working

  • @mrshawntierney


    I have an issue I need help solving.

    New User BuddyPress activation emails (and resends) are being blocked by all Microsoft email services (Live, Hotmail, MSN, etc)

    However, no other emails are being blocked, and activation emails and resends make it to other services like GMail.

    Is anyone else seeing the same issue?

    My system is using the latest version or WordPress 4.9.2 and BuddyPress 2.9.2

    How I tested my WordPress site (not a multisite:)

    1 – Disabled all plugins on my site.
    2 – Registered for my site with standard WordPress interface using a email account and received registration email from WordPress nearly instantly in my hotmail inbox.
    3 – Activated Buddypress
    4 – Registered with another Hotmail account and never (8 hours and counting) received activation email.
    5 – Registered with Live, MSN, Outlook, Gmail, and other email accounts. Registration email makes it to ALL email services EXCEPT Microsoft.
    6 – Wondering if it’s just BuddyPress registration emails, so I reset the password on existing accounts that use Live, MSN, and Hotmail wile BuddyPress is active. Password reset emails arrive no issue.
    7 – Tried re-sending registration emails. They arrive at all email services except Microsoft.
    8 – Disable Buddypress and try registering with email. Like step 2 I get email immediately.
    9 – Enable Buddypress and try registering with another email. Registration email never arrives.
    10 – Send email directly to Microsoft accounts using same email address that wordpress does, and they arrive no issue.
    11 – Forward registration email from Gmail to Hotmail, and forward arrives without issue
    12 – Create a new email address for my website to use to send email with, and go through above steps with same results.

    Does anyone have an idea why only BuddyPress Activation emails could/would be block by only Microsoft? ALL other site emails sent to the same Microsoft email addresses go through including:
    – WordPress registration emails (when BP is disabled)
    – Password Reset emails
    – Emails sent directly using an email client

    I have also tried an SMTP mail plug-in with the same results.
    I have tried the Tools – BuddyPress – Reinstall emails with same results.

    Is anyone else seeing this issue?

    Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    Shawn Tierney

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  • @djpaul


    Hi Shawn. Short of debugging the outgoing mailbox on your server to verify that the email is actually sent, and then monitoring that inbox for any bounce notifications, no, I don’t have any answers. I think I recall seeing Microsoft’s email services blocking the user registration email because it thinks it’s spam (or a bad link).

    You could try, as a test, totally replacing all the words and links (using the BP email editor) in the registration email, and seeing if that gets delivered. I suspect it’s being blocked because of the activation link.



    So I replied with helpful info but I can no longer see my reply?



    Same here and I have tried everything. Users are nor receiving the activation email, I can’t resend them, they can only register if I activate manually.

    Latest versions of WP and BuddyPress, restored emails, no plugins conflicts, not sending via SMTP either…

    There are a lot of people with this issue, not only Shawn and me. This used to work, suddenly failed and no idea what to do to solve it.

    Please help, if someone finds out what’s happening please let us know!



    Still not working, only when sending from BuddyPress to Hotmail, it DO works when sending from WordPress:

    1) Contacted Microsoft support, IP not blocked and everything is correct.
    2) Changed activation e-amil template: removed activation related words. I have sent emails with “test” subject and body and only are delivered to gmail, yahoo, etc NOT Hotmail accounts
    3) Sent from another IP, same issue.
    4) Changed “from” using the “bp_email” action.
    5) Done all the steps above again from a clean WP installation with only BuddyPress activated.

    It must be a BuddyPress issue. There are a few topics related, something is happening when sending to and no one seems to support.



    First sorry for my spelling in the above messages. are blocking the emails because of this:

    if ( ! empty( $tokens['unsubscribe'] ) && $tokens['unsubscribe'] !== site_url( 'wp-login.php' ) ) {
    	$user = get_user_by( 'email', $tokens[''] );
    	$headers['List-Unsubscribe'] = sprintf(
    		esc_url_raw( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( array(
    			'user_id'           => $user->ID,
    			'notification_type' => $email->get( 'type' ),
    		) ) )

    If yoy remove this if statement mails activation mails are sent. This code ir located ad buddypress/bp-core/bp-core.filters

    It’s a new commit, that’s why it worked in previous versions.

    To sum up, if you are using BuddyPress 2.9.3, users with Microsoft accounts will not receive the activation email.

    I hope this get fixed in the next version.



    You can find more info here:

    See last message: and Apple iOS Mail 10 does not support HTTP URLs for the List-Unsubscribe header (which is what we are using), so the “Unsubscribe” link will not show up in these clients.

    Now rejects those emails.



    Same problem here. Commented out the If statement and presto the activation emails arrive at Microsoft email services. Hopefully this will be fixed asap.
    Thank you jcrr!



    Hi @jcrr-

    Please open a ticket about this issue:

    Sounds like you’ve gathered some useful/interesting/disturbing info about the underlying issue.





    Done! I hope this info helps.

    Thank you!



    Thanks man! You made my day!

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