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Buddypress not creating user in WP Admin panel

  • @brambo23



    I am very new to BP. I am currently using BP 1.5 and wordpress 3.2.1.

    I have a hosted site running UNIX with Php 5.1.56.

    I am testing the site and I wanted to create a test user and see how a new person would interact with the site. I tried to create the user and it once i click complete signup, it takes me back to the main page.

    I browsed around buddypress and google and tried making sure the username is in all lowercase, I sent a test email to ensure the activation email wasn’t being sent, and I also checked User in WP-Admin and no new user was created. Also I installed Mail log to see if it had an error sending the email, but Mail log doesn’t even pickup an attempt to send the email. After i sent a test email, mail log picked up that attempt so I know BP isn’t sending the email to create the user.

    The plugins I’m using are: BuddyPress, BBPress, Custom permalinks, Events Manager Extneded, and the mail plugins mentioned above.

    Also I am using the default Buddypress theme that came with the plugin (I wanted to test the functionality before i started trying to make the theme I actually wanted to use BP compatible)

    I have no seen anyone with this issue and any suggestions will be a great help.

    Thank you

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