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Buddypress not Working

  • samchozx


    Hi, I have a site created in WordPress. I installed plugin Budypress but does not work. When you click on registration, groups, etc., and appears as a blank page. I set everything according to instructions but without success. Im using a theme Gamingzone from magazine3, My website:

    Thank you for any help and advice.

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  • and what happens if you change to an established theme that is known to work with BP i.e one of the core WP themes, 1014,2012 etc.

    It’s important to troubleshoot some basics to establish where the core reason may lie.

    BP works with a great many themes in it’s default Theme Compatibility mode but not all, there are sadly a vast number of badly written themes selling themselves as premium themes available from third party resources that BP won’t work with, so we need to establish whether this is a theme issue firstly.



    Hi, I tried the basic theme for wordpress and Budypress functioned as it should. Is there any possibility to work on the theme of what I bought Gamingzone?



    OK. I have the same issue as quite a few users. I went to the themes area and activated Twenty Fourteen. It still doesn’t work. I changed to Anyone Can Register, still doesn’t work. Added an htaccess.txt file with the WP code found on the wordpress site. Overall I spent the better part of the day with issues. I cannot access the register page, it is using blurbble/register even though I set the Permalink to Postname like . I uninstalled and reinstalled buddypress and still nothing. If any help could be given it would be appreciated.



    Also the register page when we direct link to it shows blank. No form or nothing. i have read on multiple posts that these forms are suppose to show automatically.

    @bucobill You have a different issue from that of the original posters, it’s for this reason amongst others that stepping into a running thread that wasn’t started by you with what is assumed the same issue is frowned upon and discouraged, multiple responses to different posters and issues in the same thread can not be supported. You must start your own thread on your particular issues. As a start point for your issue, looking at your url suggests you are on IIS or non standard apache type server running mod_rewrite head over to the WP codex and search on permalinks for some guidance on setting permalink structures under IIS.

    Likely your theme does something odd and non standard with page.php which BP needs to use to inject it’s content into, the_content() function must run through as normal in this file, you probably need to create a buddypress directory in your theme(as a child theme) and then copy page.php renaming it to buddypress.php and copied to the root of this new bp directory, that file then needs to retain the themes specific markup but properly use the ‘the_title()’ & the_content()’ functions. Please check the BP codex for guides on this process of overloading files, editing the actual file may require some help from the theme authors.

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