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buddypress page content not being ouput

  • @myironlung3


    I am using BuddyPress 1.8 with a theme from themeforest.

    For some reason, the_content() is not outputting the content for buddypress pages.

    The buddypress page titles, body classes, and even post classes are correctly being output for each buddypress page, so the correct buddypress page template seems to be loading, but inside the div where the entry content is supposed to display, it is simply blank.

    To debug I created a buddypress.php file and placed it in the theme folder. I stripped it down to the basics below and it is still not working. Any thoughts on what could be causing this conflict or where I should look in the theme files?

    It is clearly a theme related issue because I switched to the default buddypress theme and the pages worked fine. Everything below outputs correctly except the_content(); which outputs nothing.

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”content”>

    <h1 class=”pagetitle”><?php the_title(); ?></h1>

    <div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>

    <div class=”entry”>

    <?php the_content(); ?>




    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

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  • @mercime


    @myironlung3 Switch to Twenty Twelve theme and check if BP content is showing up. The issue ight be that the theme is using proprietary templating system so it’s not rendering BP content. Have you contacted theme developer for assistance in getting the_title and the_content working in your buddypress.php file? Could be that just using the template tags is not enough but might need a “bridge”/extra functions for compatibility with BP. You could paste your theme’s original page.php source code in and post the link here so we can take a look.



    The buddypress pages work fine when I activate the Twenty Twelve theme.

    Here’s the link to the Lightspeed theme original page.php file. Thanks for taking a look!



    Edit// Just realised you have attempted most of what I covered here, as mercime asked have you contacted the theme authors? They will probably need to provide the solution as their templating system is fairly proprietary.

    Yes we know they do and that is because the WP themes naturally follow the WP template API and BP theme compatibility is and can only be based on that, I’m afraid that example ‘page’ template you show diverges so far from that WP normal ‘page’ that BP won’t be able to work with it.

    However you may be able to create your own custom BP ‘page’ template by following the bp codex guide for theme compatibility and creating a file named ‘buddypress.php’ locating that in a new folder ‘/buddypress/’ or ‘/community’/ in that file copy the content of the themes page template you have shown us but replace the section that represents the content with a standard page loop, thus you keep the themes approach to fetching the layout but replace the content rendering section.

    If that doesn’t work then you really need to take this to the theme authors and explain the issue and ask if they can provide a workaround.

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