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Buddypress Template File Corresponding…

  • I’ve added buddypress to my standard wordpress site with my own theme. Then I used the Buddypress Template Pack plugin to make it compatible. Which worked relatively well. But when I get to the step abotu the html structure, and update all the files, all fo the buddypress pages don’t seem to update like they should.

    I’m trying to change one line to add:

    To all the pages, but when I try and change all the places in buddypress where is says

    so I can update them on the site, I change them, but test it by going to a users profile, and my changes don’t affect.

    Such as on, I’ve edited all fo the files specified int he template pack to add:



    But none affect this page! If you view source you’ll se it still said the simple



    How do I edit these pages!?

    Thanks in advance!
    – Jackson

    Post edited to correct code examples using the correct backticks for code display – as instructed above/below the posting textarea -hnla

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  • @mercime





    Uh-oh… here’s another page that looks like it’s getting messed up by some bit of code.



    Whoa! Looks like we need Rich’s Syntax Highlighter hack For forums!

    No plugins and hacks aren’t really needed just some simple observation it does after all clearly say how to display/render code in posts but this is an issue that occurs on many forums. Some tender loving care is also due the bp site, in respect of this issue some strip tags need to be employed much as posting in WP does with allowed tags, trouble is people still need to pay attention (no offense intended to the OP ) and use the provided mechanisms for post formatting and that applies to all forums.



    @hnla, the default code tags for displaying code on these forums aren’t really a clean solution for pasting code, as syntax highlighting gives numbered lines, and is a completely foolproof, safe way to paste any code in any forum area. Yes, it’s not a necessity, but it would certainly clear up the altering of layout also

    Still cannot get templates lookign correctly. I just need to find where this little bit fo code is to modify it, otherwise, It’s all perfect.




    @MrNiceGuy2 unfortunately the page you linked to in first post now goes to required registration page. Looking back to your first post == How do I edit these pages!? ==

    When you go through the BP Template Pack process, 13 files in 6 folders are transferred to your active WP theme and those are the files you need to revise, and not the template files in BP Template Pack itself.

    vised all fo those, none of them work.
    Sample user and pass:

    User: BingoGuy
    pass: BingoGuy1



    I see you’ve been able to replace `

    ` with

    in template files.

    Yes, I told you I’ve done that, but when you views page source of any buddypress page it still has “container”




    My comment was based on the page source of the link you posted above in relation to revising files transferred from BP Template Pack to your active WP theme file
    == But none affect this page! If you view source you’ll se it still said the simple `

    ` ==

    When you say: “page source of any buddypress page it still has “container”” — Are the “pages” you mentioned in added on by a BP plugin but not the BP component files per se? A specific URL would be good.

    On that page, I’m just trying to get the dark container that looks very wrong, to have a class or id of “container_single”. Where are you seeing it as that? I see just on normal pages, but I can’t find what the buddypress loops is pulling from to get that “container” class/id. I simply can’t figure out how to add “_single” to the container.

    I’ve had this problem even before I installed any buddypress plugins. I’ve edited all the template files, nothing seems to work, very odd.

    This is still an ongoing problem… anyone?



    You are editing the wrong file.
    If you have buddypress and buddypress template pack and still the buddypress files are shown but not with your theme layout, then do the following steps:

    go to your theme location: wp-content/themes/ yourtheme

    do you find there the following files & folders
    activities, blogs, forum, members, groups, registration

    in each of them, you will find either home.php or index.php in particular.
    these file will have the code like

    ………..’this is the code segment you need to replace’
    if you find any extra code in between this two lines, save them in a notepad. After doing the following steps, bring those extra codes ‘if any’, back in this segment after replacement.
    div id=”content”

    you need to replace this code segment with that of your theme,

    now open wp-content/themes/ yourtheme / index.php

    and copy the code segment

    php get_header()
    div id=”content” class=” …………………………………………………….

    Paste this code segment to the area where mentioned above.

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