BuddyPress Tweet Button plugin
Created my first BP plugin. Super simple, adds Twitter’s new tweet button to BuddyPress sites.
looks nice, really nice. Any intrest in adding ‘facebook like’ one too?
Out of interest, do you have to tag a plug-in with ‘buddypress’ in order for the buddypress respiratory to pick it up?
nice plugin, only issue I see is that it tweets the URL of the page you are on rather than the item.
i.e. If you are on the activity stream, tweeting any update tweets the activity stream url rather than the url of the update.@thekmen yeah I know I’m trying find a way to do that. Twitter is not letting me put in code to pull the permalink dynamically.
@nit3watch I thought there was one already. If it’s a BP plugin then yeah you tag is buddypress
“nice plugin, only issue I see is that it tweets the URL of the page you are on rather than the item.”
@modemlooper This would work nice for a tweeting a group though ( and adding “facebook Recommend” ) so that all the ‘feed things/social stuff pertaining to the group’ are in a similar place.
Im trying to get the tweet button to be between the rss feed class and the activity-filter-select div, as in the image ( using
add_action('bp_before_group_body', 'bp_tweet_button_activity_filter');
) its inserting it above the subnav div, ( needs to be inside subnav.. ) but I can figure out how to get it between the two. Once I can position it correctly I’ll add the Facebook one too. Maybe can be a seperate, spin-off of your plug-in?Maybe if someone knows where to find the subnav ( for groups ) code I can have a look and get it sorted.
Edit: Iv’e created a topic not to hi-jack the thread: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/creating-extending/forum/topic/inside-group-subnav/
Hello @Modemlooper ! Thanks for your plugin! I fixed it so that it tweets out the actual activity permalink url
You can check out the fixed version here: http://wpmu.org/new-buddypress-tweet-button-plugin-download-here/ If you want to update yours at the reop, I’ll change the download link to point to your plugin at the repo.
I was experimenting with this yesterday, so was happy to see you made it into a plugin!
hi @modemlooper,
after export/import of my db blue tweet button disappeared in IE8, however, still is in webkit browsers. Can it be some url problem? if it is possible, what I should remove from .php to get rid of that blue button and have only usual meta button, which I have now in IE8?
I haven’t updated this in a long time. Have you tried BuddyPress Share It?
edit: by “disappeared” I mean blue tweet button, but grey meta button still is there and works fine.
I have other sharing plugin, but still would like to use your tweet button.
any help re where this blue image comes from, so that I could remove it, keeping grey one (default)?
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