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BuddyPress with Jumble – How to nicely prompt to register

  • @margrietburorader



    I am using BuddyPress in combination with Jumble wishlist plugin.

    Only persons who have an account made via BuddyPress are able to add items to a wishlist.

    When a person without an account clicks on “Add to wishlist” he now goes automatically to the standard WordPress login page – without being prompted that an account is needed for this functionality.

    Is there a way to prevent those without an account to go to this page, but instead go to a page informing them on this functionality for site members / logged in users?

    WordPress 6.3
    BuddyPress 11.2.0


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  • @venutius


    Hi there,

    One possibility is to customize the landing page for visitors who are not logged in to your BuddyPress site, you have a few options. One option is to use a plugin like BuddyPress Redirect to Home Page, which lets you set any page as the home page for non-logged-in users. Another option is to use some code snippets in your functions.php file or a custom plugin, which can check the user’s login status and redirect them accordingly. For example, you can use something like this:

    function bp_redirect_non_logged_in_users() {
    if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && bp_is_component_front_page( ‘activity’ ) ) {
    wp_redirect( home_url( ‘/welcome/’ ) ); // change this to your desired page
    add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘bp_redirect_non_logged_in_users’ );

    This code will redirect non-logged-in users who try to access the activity page to a welcome page instead. You can modify this code to suit your needs and preferences. You’d need to find the equivalent for the Jumble page in question.

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