I am with Opera mini now so my help could be not 100% accurate. Probably is a sidebar width problem. Try to narrow it in the css.
You need to close off the open div containers in:
sorry, just looked again, looks like your theme uses div id=”contentleft” , try adding that to the required buddypress template files.
I am VERY, but I am a super n00b. I would really appreciate it if you can let me know about what needs to go where.
Also, since I am using the buddypress template pack, which template file do I need to edit? The template which comes inside the buddypress directory or the template pack directory?
It’s the BuddyPress template files you added to your theme folder that need to be edited.
Any of those files that use should use the same div containers as your theme is using.
I think there is about 14 files but I’m sure you will find a full list here somewhere or in the readme of the buddypress template pack maybe?
I have deactivated the template pack because the only thing I think it does it just makes sure the admin bar on top comes up fine. I have instead installed a plugin to remove it completely.
But I kind of need help in adding the divs as I have no clue about this. I am supposed to be editing the default theme files which is bundled with Buddypress. It will be great if you can let me know where in the files I need to add the divs.
Thanks very much in advance 
if you look at the source code for one of your normal WP pages, you will see the page content area starts with
now if you look at the source of one of your BuddyPress pages, you will see:
You need to replace the div tags on your BuddyPress pages with those your WP template files are using.
Also, I’d be pretty sure the template pack also enables the JS & ajax required for BP functionality but if I were you, I’d get the layout issues sorted first.
sorry, cant post div tags for some reason…
Oops :-s
I have tried adding divs like ‘contentleft’ and ‘postarea’ though I dont know what they mean and what they do. But the sidebar still doesnt appear fine.