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Buddypress / WP profile syncing

  • @thisisbbc



    WP v3.6.1
    BP v1.8.1
    Link :

    I activated the BuddyPress and WordPress profile syncing in BP settings but the WordPress fields are still not displayed. How can I add the WP hook to Buddypress profile page and edit profile page?

    Additional informations :

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?

    All In One SEO Pack
    Version | By Michael Torbert

    Antispam Bee
    Version 2.5.9 | By Sergej Müller

    Version 1.3.4 | By Sergej Müller

    Version 2.4 | By The bbPress Community

    Better WordPress Minify
    Version 1.2.2 | By Khang Minh

    Broken Link Checker
    Version 1.8.3 | By Janis Elsts

    Version 1.8.1 | By The BuddyPress Community

    Contact Form 7
    Version 3.5.2 | By Takayuki Miyoshi

    Duplicate Post
    Version 2.4.1 | By Enrico Battocchi

    Google Analyticator
    Version 6.4.5 | By Video User Manuals Pty Ltd

    NGFB Open Graph+ Pro
    Version 6.8 | By Jean-Sebastien Morisset

    Revolution Slider
    Version 3.0.7 | By ThemePunch

    Social Login for wordpress
    Version 4.8 | By LoginRadius Team

    TinyMCE Advanced
    Version 3.5.8 | By Andrew Ozz

    W3 Total Cache
    Version 0.9.3 | By Frederick Townes

    Widget Importer & Exporter
    Version 1.0 | By Steven Gliebe

    WordPress Social Share Buttons
    Version 1.1.3 | By Lee Chestnutt

    Version 1.2.1 | By Alex Rabe

    WP Sliding Login | Register Panel
    Version 2.3 | By Kyle Powning @ The Factory

    Version | By WPMU DEV

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?

    I’m using another theme callet BulletPress from HB-Themes

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    I haven’t modified any BP related files, but I do use a child theme with a custom functions.php

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?


    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?

    Our theme came with bbPress, see above for version.

    14. Which company provides your hosting?


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  • @thisisbbc


    Anyone, please?






    @thisisbbc I’m not sure the syncing does what you expect it to do. What was you hoping would happen?



    At first I was hoping for fields displayed in WP Profile to be displayed in BP Profiles. Then I hoped that if I created a custom field on BP Profiles with the same name as the WP Profile they would be synced, but none of the above are true so I’m really wondering what this feature is doing.



    @thisisbbc I actually did a little digging on this a few months ago and found out that there are two functions that perform the ‘syncing’ of data.


    This syncs Xprofile data (nickname, first name and last name) to the standard built in WordPress profile data.


    This syncs the standard built in WordPress profile data to XProfile.

    Hope this helps.



    @henrywright that is probably a helpful start, but what do we do with that information please?

    I’d like to map Last Name to the WP profile. BP is mapping all others OK, apart from Last Name.




    The xprofile_sync_wp_profile function should take care of the last name for you. Isn’t this happening?




    Before BP is made fully compatible with WP right out of the box, I am afraid integration such as you want will continue to be a conundrum.

    However, in addition to @henrywright’s contribution, why not give this plugin a try:

    Feel free to download the plugin, study its source, implement whatever customisations you want as per Woopra and test to see if it solves your issue.

    P.S. If you end up modifying that plugin to accommodate other important user data fields, don’t forget to rename it to something else and block off ALL its internal call for updates (whenever the parent plugin is pushed for updates, otherwise ALL your changes will disappear should you mistakingly push through with the update).



    I have the latest Wp and latest BuddyPress 1.9.2
    On the new user registration form it has FULL NAME box
    But I need FIRST NAME and LAST NAME boxes. So I can in admin panel and users on frontend can register new users can fill their names with 2 boxes. And on search page users can search other users by first name or last name. And I can hide last names for some users etc.. Its always convenient to have first and last names in separate DB columns. So please help me out, how can I have the BuddyPress plugged site of mine to function like above?




    Try the above combination of tips by @henrywright and mine…

    Additionally, use the following plugin to create your First Name and Last Name fields as XProfile Fields:

    Then use the above plugin to sync them as necessary!



    Thank you @tolusage, it was very helpful, first I installed “buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type.” plugin then “bp-xprofile-wp-user-sync” as you said. Some works now, except the profile page tabs and Signup module. Registration form all ok there are first name and last name boxes there.
    1-But on profile page there are about me and Looking for tabs. Ans I see the same data in both tabs. Looking for has the same info as About me. Basically the name, age, height, weight etc all base info appears in looking for tab too except in quotes in Looking for css design.
    2-And signup module doesnt show first and last name boxes
    As you know on signup box there are these element boxes:
    .User name
    .Your full name
    .Your email
    .Desired password
    .Confirm password
    So I want to get rid off that “Your full name” and put “First name” and “Last name” boxes there. So what file do I need to modify? And how, with what coding?
    3-And on admin panel as admin I want to be able to edit user data, at the moment I can edit only the names, email, password. But I want to be able to edit the age, height, weight, country, city thinks like that I have in the main registration form already exist. But on admin panel I cant see them for users to edit. How can I put them in users edit page?
    Could you please help out, thanx @tolusage



    BTW I get 2 different viewings on the same user’s same profile page.

    OK => 1.
    NOT OK=> 2.

    On the second URL I still see the same tabs but one difference: Both tabs show each others total data. I mean About Me tab show its data as well as Looking For tab’s data. And Looking For tab shows data itself and plus About Me tab’s data. (But age shows ok as 21)
    But on the first URL all looks ok (except the age shows as 44)
    But as you know that URL only for editing, but on member search result and on any other user link WP uses the second URL. So all mixed up. BTW I use the latest versions of those plugins you mentioned above and latest versions of BP and WP.
    Please help

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