Bugs? & Questions
Hi – first: This Project is GREAT – exactly what I was looking for combined with a perfect timing… We are running right now a test-community just to check out BuddyPress (redmountn.ch)
No I’m afraid, that I am a green horn, and it’s my fault… But I’m posting my possible bugs and questions anyway:
1. Could it be, that IE has some Troubles with BuddyPress (I know, nobody here uses it, but the people “out there” do
)? Examples: Friend-Finder doesnt really work, The Logo in the Menu-Bar is in the wrong place, adding a friend does work, but the process doesn’t stop etc… If there is a link underneath the pulldown menu (in the menu-bar), the menu doesn’t work properly)
2. Could it be, that real-time Updating doesn’t work properly…? The Activity-Feed of my Friends does updates only every couple houres (in our test-community)? The friends-activity is outdated, etc
3. Group-Pictures don’t work… (I tried it with bigger ones that 450×450)
4. Did you think about other languages? We are from Switzerland and would like to have/make a german translation. But it doesn’t make sense to change the files themeself (because of updates). Any other things planned, in mind, possible?
5. I think it’s not very userfriendly, that my landig-page after login is the backend of wordpress – my opinion it should be my graphical-profile “in” BuddyPress or something…
6. Maybe that is a dummy question – but anyway: What is a “Group” in BuddyPress? Is that a tag? How does it work in the “backend” of wordpress and can it there be changed etc..?
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