It’s not possible (without doing some fancy MySQL work), but it’s a really nice idea (kinda like how WP handles user content when the user is deleted). Maybe you could file an enhancement ticket on
It is an interesting idea, yet when one thinks about how groups are often used i.e to provide separate and distinct content, then merging one into another would perhaps not be wanted, as the merge to group suddenly has a lot of odd content in it that doesn’t belong. If the ticket is created then I would suggest – perhaps obviously – that it would be an optional choice to either delete for all eternity or to select a group to merge data to.
@hnla Of course, it would have to be optional. Generally I think this points to a larger issue of BP data portability – but that’s probably a collection of tickets 
Yep, reckon around a googols worth I’ll handle the first 700,000 but it will require a big push from the community to handle the rest.
@boonebgorges Can you point me to the dev plan for buddypress – where it is planning on going for the next few versions kind of thing, I remember seeing that around at some point.
Gratitude Boone!
(Or for that matter anyone else who can answer my questions..
You mean ‘Roadmaps’? Last discussion we had seemed to think they were not that important.
You can create a ticket under the 1.3 milestone as an enhancement.