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Can not register since upgrade to 1.2.1 – It just refreshes the main page

  • freakinglogan


    Here is my site:

    Since upgrading to 1.2.1 the site will not allow anyone to register! Whenever you try to register it just takes you back to the man page.

    i thought it might have been my theme first, but I tried the buddypress default theme and still, nothing happens.

    I have also tried turning off and on the ability to register in the WPMU settings…

    Anyone have any ideas?

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  • I’m getting the same issue exactly! I’d love to be able to fix this! Any luck?

    John Stringfellow



    That’s a great looking site you’ve got there. I noticed that you got some javascript popup to work for your registration. How did you resolve this?


    I get the same error on multiple sites (using the same host though).

    It’s fine when I have a localhost install, and it’s also fine when I’m not using buddypress.

    I go to the registration page, fill out my details and then click on Complete Sign-up. It then takes me to the same page again, almost as it if just refreshes.

    My registration URL is

    I banged my head against this one too. Seems the registration page bounces you back to the hompage if you are currently signed in (and hence already registered).


    Did anybody ever figure this one out? I’m having the same problem and had to deactivate buddypress, which I did not want to do.

    Does 1.2.4 resolve this issue?



    @hurd06, I would suggest doing a complete reinstall of the latest version of BP. Delete your current BP folder via FTP and then upload the latest version of BP ( via FTP. Then let us know what happens.

    I upgraded to 1.2.4 and the issue has resolved itself, thank you. I still need help with the logo not overlapping with the admin bar though

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