I check all file permissions and they all see to be 755
That means that apache/php doesn’t have creation rights in a specific dir. In my case it’s: /var/lib/php/session
Look in your php.ini file and see what the option ‘session.save_path’ says. That’s the dir that apache needs to have access to. Apache runs as a specific user/group and it needs to have write access to that dir.
Thanks for your response.
RE: “Look in your php.ini file and see what the option ‘session.save_path’ says”
Can you tell me where exactly I can find this file: php.ini file to check/edit permissions?
I just looked over your initial post. I must be tired. The error msg says where the dir is.
It’s /tmp for you. 
Check the permissions and user/group. I had problems with this also due to stupidity on my part. I had to make the apache user owner of the sessions dir.
For more than you’ll ever want to know about the subject:
google ‘Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:’
google ‘linux chown’
google ‘linux chmod’
google ‘linux file permissions’
Your host may be able to help you also.
I have no php.ini file in temp.
I will keep looking
nope. sorry. The php.ini file is probably in /etc
The directory in question is /tmp
You’ll have to talk to your host about this issue then.
I have a dedicated server, and it’s funny after about an hour this error code just magically disappeared.
Next issue is now with the fact that all rss feeds, do not validate with feedburner and other rss validators like http://feedvalidator.org/
How come all rss feeds are not valid feeds?
such as my-domain/members/admin/activity/feed
and all other feeds of buddypress.
But if I use
my-domain/?feed=rss from WPMU alone
I get Congratulations!
This is a valid feed.
I have a ticket on the Buddypress specific feeds already. Just have to watch this ticket:
@arcon9 ya gotta get apache to have write/creation access to that /tmp dir.
The sessions were introduced awhile ago and I started getting these msgs. I’m on a DV also. Had to track down my session.save_path in the php.ini and go chown to apache:apache on the silly thing.
From what I can gather bp only uses sessions when redirecting and during signup. That’s what the comments say. So you’ll only get that error during those instances.
You said: `
I have a ticket on the Buddypress specific feeds already. Just have to watch this ticket:
https://trac.buddypress.org/ticket/213 `
Is that 3 weeks old?
If anyone has a work around for this, let me know.
As far as the tracking down session.save_path in the php.ini and go chown to apache:apache ?? I’m assuming since I can’t find that file.(i.e., it doesn’t exsist in file manager) I would need someone to do some root access work. Because everything you just said is foreign to me.
I made another test user and all seems fine. I only saw that error in the first hour after the install. Any possability it just went away and won’t come back? I’m hoping.
Beside the Rss Feed Problem,
BuddyPress is great.. Very easy to change the css layout and locate files.
Sure would be nice to have member rss feeds though.
Looking forward to any new tweeks, plugins, etc…
Sub Domains Do Not Work When User Creates Account.
How do I fix this?