Could it have something to do with Groups being set to page Groups and Discussion being set to a new page called Group-Forums?
@kpolkson Just to clarify, you have Sitewide Forums and Group Forums installed at the same time and clicking on the administrative links for Group Forums single topic page like delete/edit doesn’t work?
@mercime Good question. I don’t believe I have Sitewide and Group forums installed at the same time. When I go to the forums tab of the Buddypress set up, I see that group forums are installed and the button says ‘uninstall group forums’ whereas the option for sitewide forums to the left of that looks like it is not installed, the button says ‘configure sitewide forums’.
I do have bbpress plugin installed alongside buddypress (i thought that was required for the group forums). but I don’t think sitewide is activated (nor do I need it activated).
Any ideas?
thanks. -kp
== option for sitewide forums to the left of that looks like it is not installed, the button says ‘configure sitewide forums’. ==
Sitewide Forums is bbPress plugin. Sitewide forums is activated in your installation, otherwise the button would show “Install Sitewide Forums”
Please make sure that your Group and/or Sitewide Forums are configured properly
ok, i deactivated the bbpress plugin to uninstall sitewide themes. but I am still having the same problem, I can’t edit, delete or sticky a post as clicking on any of those links just go to the 404 not found page.
what else might I check?
– Have you tried re-uploading BuddyPress manually via FTP/cpanel/etc?
– Did you install WP via webhost script or did you install it manually?
– Have you deactivated all plugins except BuddyPress to see if it is a plugin conflict?
thanks for your continued attention.
– I have not tried reuploading/reinstalling as that might put me back in modifications (though I haven’t touched core, I sadly did not keep track of weird, off-hand alterations I might have made to the files I brought into my theme from core..not many, but you see what i mean). Seems drastic, but might be the only option at this point. Though i need to wait for that to happen at the moment.
– I installed WP manually.
– Deactivated all the plugins (even the buddypress template pack, which didn’t have any effect) and the problem still remains 
== I sadly did not keep track of weird, off-hand alterations I might have made to the files I brought into my theme from core ==
Back up DB and server files then re-upload BuddyPress manually. If you mean you copied the bp-default theme and made it a stand-alone theme and uploaded it to wp-content/themes/ folder then I see no issues. On the other hand, if you made changes directly to bp-default theme in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default, then that could be the reason why you’re having these issues.
I am going to have to dredge up this topic again as I have gone through the process of completely reinstalling wordpress 3.5 and the latest version of buddypress 1.6.3 to a fresh new Ubuntu server with only my custom theme, database and alterations to buddypress that were not in the buddypress core file (obviously since the old one has been nuked) and I am still getting a 404 response (from within our wordpress page, not an apache 404) whenever I try to edit, sticky or delete a topic in the forums.
this is still the case even with the default buddypress theme.
This is a buddypress set up to do groupt forums, not sitewide and I do not have bbpress running at all (though interestingly enough, when bbpress was running alongside buddypress, I was not getting our site’s 404 response, but was getting a new topic form and the notification of “Oh bother, there are no topics here” – 0r something like that)
would really like to get this figured out as it is pretty critical and I don’t know how else to debug this (there has to be *some* clues as to why this is happening.)
thanks in advance.
OK, here’s what I can offer in the way of isolating the problem.
I wanted to see if it was my server or any changes I made to the theme. It was not!
I went ahead and did a completely fresh restall of everything. When i got wordpress multisite with buddypress working again, I did not have a problem with editing the topics.
Then I brought in my custom theme files: Again nothing was off, everything worked as it should in editing topics.
It was only when I brought in my database of existing users and content did I get the 404!
So it is something wrong in the database.
What in buddypress would cause topics to 404 based on something off in the database?
This is not a bump, but additional information.
So It looks like in addition to my single forum topic admin links all 404-ing, the post counter (which is supposed to show the number of posts for each topic) is always at zero, no matter how many posts there are in a topic (hmm, peculiar).
I checked out the wp_bb_topics table in my database and certainly those numbers are there (number of posts, of various numbers – obviously there should always be 1 if there is a topic).
So what gives, why isn’t my buddypress set up reading from the topic table in the database, I am guessing this might be the reason why it goes to edit these topics, but they can’t find them (even though they are there)?
I have exactly the same problem as you do… I am using WP3.5 and the latest BP. I have two plugins in addition for my forum: BuddyPress Forum Notifier and U BuddyPress Forum Attachment. Can anyone help with this issue? Thanks in advance.
@enquirer32 Did you try deactivating all plugins except BuddyPress to see if issue is resolved? What theme are you using?
Not yet. Am living with this on one Forum at the moment and will see if it happens on the next. It may have been a corruption of some kind when the Forum was created due to loss of connection…? Anyway, the second post on the Forum correctly displays the # posts etc but oddly the sub-deck to the Forum still shows ‘0’ posts…
Hey Guys..
Am having the exact same problem. Just did an update to BBpress this morning and situation did not improve at all. Should we be having this convo over on BBPress forums maybe.
I did notice the following
So I create a topic in a group forum called promotion. Title=test-1.. Content=testing.. new topic created at groups/promotion/forum/topic/test-1/
Clicking Edit.. takes me to a 404 page /groups/promotion/forum/topic/edit?_wpnonce=4974b44a09 however, if I amend the URL to /groups/promotion/forum/topic/test-1/edit?_wpnonce=4974b44a09 voila.. there is the editing screen as expected.
Same test holds true for deleting etc.. the rest of the buttons at the top of the topics screen. The slug to the topic (in this case /test-1/) is not getting added into the edit/delete/sticky link so the system can do what its designed to do..
Anyone have any thoughts how or where to rectify this little misstep.. truth is everything works, it seems to be just a simple slip-up in constructing the link the Edit Topic/Sticky Topic/Open/Delete Topic/Mute this Topic buttons/links are calling.
Anyone smarter than me have some guidance here.. ?
@rgkeenan sure, you should post at the bbPress forums. Check first if it’s not a theme issue. If you change to twenty twelve theme, is issue resolved? Have you tried re-uploading bbPress manually, to make sure that all bbPress files are in your server?
I haven’t tried either yet.. try uploading the files now.. and try twenty twelve this evening (is a live site need to find a quiet time to do it).
Thanks for the tip.. should have tried this first.