that sounds like you are clicking on My Groups or have created a menu item for My Groups instead of groups.
What happens when you go to ?
when i go to that i can see the full directory but when i click on groups in the buddypress main user menu it only shows user joined groups. This makes it hard fro people to find new groups to join.
My aim as admin is to create the groups and have them appear in the groups directory under the profile menu for people to join if that makes sense, so for example…
as opposed to
I have searched for hours and hours with no joy, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes that item links to the users groups as that menu is the users personal set of profile menu options, all of those options refer to the members profile.
Why not create a site menu item for groups?
I want the user to stay in the logged in area so that
activity-profile-mifications-messages etc is alway the main menu and the content loads below it.
there must be a way to create a subnav that displays all groups as a non logged in user whilst keeping the user logged in or something along those lines.
I just don’t have a clue when it comes to php.
There will be, you can start by searching these forums.
I have extensively with no joy
Thank you for your help although i have no clue if that is relevant as i have no idea how to apply that to my site or which menu it is actually referring to.
The Member Toolbar is the BuddyPress drop down menu, do you mean the tabs on the profile page? There’s lots of discussions about changing those tabs