Put the following in your child theme’s functions.php file or in your main wp-config.php file:
Spaces (and some other characters) aren’t allowed in usernames by default.
it seems that your way doesn’t work,
i came across with the same issue,every time i clicked on a link in “my account†it redirect to members.
any body have an idea about that?
Don’t use spaces? Make a ticket on the trac about this problem.
I don’t have spaces in my username, but my public name does have a space in it. Does the system use my username or display name to create links?
Thanks for your help!
If I remember correctly %20 is a spacebar, so that would mean you did use a spacebar.
It uses the username to make the profile URL.
Yes Xevo, %20 is a spacebar, but I assure you I don’t have a space in my username, buddypress is pulling my display name in the url and not my username. Any idea why?
Follow what jivany wrote.
Try the snippet in wp-config.php above the following line:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Thanks everyone. Jivany’s solution works for me