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Can’t update Member-Counter

  • rotlichtluzern



    i have a long running forum which i’ve revived with new design, buddypress and new functions. things are picking up. but i have some users i tried to activate manually (assigning them buddypress roles).

    somehow about 40 of 460 members are not being counted. i resetted the counter of buddypress in the settings, but no change.

    In Admin, Number of Participants: 463
    In Membercounter of Members-Page: 424

    What do you suggest? i can also handle database manipulation.

    – should i open each account, switch to profile, then “Save”?
    – …?


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  • rotlichtluzern


    well… i just figured out one possible way: i switch to this user (using a user switching plugin) and post a change. then the user shows up.

    i try to compare meta data of users, there are infact many additional ones, once i posted an update. but is there one specific thing i can do to “make the user count”?



    If a member has not logged in at least once, they are not considered ‘active’ and will not show in the count.

    You could run this once in your theme/functions.php and then remove it. It will create an activity timestamp for all members with the role: subscriber.

    function pp_add_last_activity() {
      $subscribers =  get_users( 'fields=ID&role=subscriber' );
      foreach ( $subscribers as $user_id ) {
            bp_update_user_last_activity( $user_id, bp_core_current_time() );
    add_action('bp_init', 'pp_add_last_activity' );
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