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Cant update user profile

  • @fallingup


    Hi guys,
    I am having a problem! When editing a users profile, I click “save changes” and the page simply reloads and no changes take effect, this also seems to be effected on almost all BuddyPress forms(messaging, etc). I am using Gravity Forms for user registration, so users can still sign up that way. I have also tried on the default BP theme.

    – Here are some of the questions to what you guys would like to know…
    – I am running the Latest version of WordPress and BuddyPress
    – WP is installed in the root
    – I did just recently upgrade both WordPress(3.X.X to latest) and BuddyPress(1.2.9 to 1.5.5)
    WordPress was functioning fine before upgrade, the issue was there before the upgrade, which I hoped was going to fix the problem
    – Running BP 1.5.5
    – Upgraded from BP 1.2.9
    – Other plugins installed are: Advanced Custom Fields, AutoChimp, BackupBuddy, BP Blog Author Profile Links, BP Chat, BP Members Avatar Map, BP User Profile Map, BuddyPress, BuddyPress Album, Front-end Editor, Gravity Forms, Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types, Gravity Forms Directory Add-on, Gravity Forms User Registration Add-on, Lightbox Plus, Members, Remove Dashboard Access for Non-Admins, Simple 301 Redirects, The Events Calendar, The Events Calendar Pro, WordPress Database Backup, WordPress SEO, WP-Users Online
    WP Hide Dashboard, WP Maintenance Mode
    – I am using a custom theme, though I am getting the same issue on default BP theme.
    – I have not modified WP or BP core
    – bp-custom.php includes only “define(“BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT”,”profile”);”
    – Not running bbPress
    – Do not have access to error log
    – Another agency is providing hosting for our “joint client” and they dont like to give us access to anything, I have FTP access only.

    Let me know if you need anything else!

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  • @mercime


    @fallingup first, I can empathize on the FTP access only :-s

    Which BP Chat plugin are you using? If it doesn’t explicity note that it’s been updated for BP 1.5+/WP3.3+ then I suggest you deactivate it and check if issue is resolved. If not, deactivate BP plugins except BuddyPress and check.



    Thanks for the response, currently the chat plugin is not active. I have also tried deactivating all but BuddyPress. Any thing else you can think of?



    == the issue was there before the upgrade, which I hoped was going to fix the problem ==

    The issue, not being able to update user profile, was fixed in BP 1.5. So I would change to Twenty Eleven,deactivate all plugins and delete BuddyPress. Upload BuddyPress via FTPto wp-content/plugins/buddypress, activate BP and activate bp-default theme. Also, you did go through the BP Installation Wizard when you upgraded from BP 1.2.9 to BP 1.5.5 right?



    Will I lose all of the members and data if I do it that way? This is a live site with 200 active members.

    Also, no I did not go through any installation wizard process, I just uploaded/overrode the 1.2.9 files.



    No you don’t lose data, members / users are a WP table anyway and any BP data amassed isn’t deleted however DO take a DB backup before doing anything, ever, at any time, regardless of the ‘thing’ being done.

    And you will need to go through the upgrade wizard – isn’t there a message notification in the dashboard that you must do this?



    Nope, never got a notice to go through the upgrade wizard… The main thing I am worried about is xprofile data, there is like 5 groups with probably 40 profile questions, as long as those will stay in tact, thats great.

    I always backup through backup buddy – great plugin

    I’ll keep you guys posted on the results.



    Alright, so I deleted BuddyPress, deactivated all plugins, switched to twentyeleven. I then re-uploaded and activated BuddyPress plugin only(still no installation wizard…), activated the default BP theme, and the problem still exists.

    Not sure what to do right now… I will be willing to pay someone if they know of a fix

    EDIT: I set up a dev server last week and I did the upgrade there first, to make sure everything was good, and it is, I just tested and I can edit user profile successfully on that site. I went through all of the same steps in the exact same order. Could it be a issue with the DB on the live site? But users can still register through gravity forms, is there a way I can just make a new “edit” form that will work?



    With Gravity Forms disabled, register a new account with only BP profile fields you created. Then check if you can edit profile with default BP profile fields.



    I created a new user, and still can not edit default (name) fields



    This seems to be a problem with all BuddyPress forms, I cant send messages, create groups, edit profile, etc etc



    That’s really weird. Given that you’ve not gone through the Installation wizard as seen here go to dashboard menu BuddyPress > to all links to configure different components of BuddyPress as seen here



    Those settings were already pre-saved from the 1.2.9 installation



    Any other ideas guys?



    I just recieved DB access now, any advice would be awesome :)



    There was someone who had a similar issue and found reasons why at but might not be applicable to yours. And another posted (can’t find it right now – topic title was not related to the issue) a solution which involved deactivating a slideshow plugin and another which involved installing new WP/BP from scratch.

    With your forms acting up, it looks more like JS/AJAX issue.

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