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Challenge: Removing Group Members by Email Domain (Roles permissions ignored)

  • @chrisleighh


    I have a membership site that has several private groups for paying members. Their access is restricted by their membership role. So for example, only people with the “approved” role can access “Group 1”.
    The challenge is that if the customer no longer pays for membership and we change their role to “not approved” they still have access to, and receive email updates, from that group because their group access ignores the roles if they are already a member.

    So I need a way to easily scan the email addresses (our paying members are by company so the email domain is the easiest way to ID and verify who should be in the group) when looking at group members.

    Is there a way to do this? Or is there an update that I can make so that group Admins can see the user email address next to their name when viewing the member list? I’d only want the group admin to see this, of course.

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  • @venutius


    This code will display the email addresses in the group members list:

    $group_id = bp_get_current_group_id();
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    if ( groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) || groups_is_user_mod( $user_id, $group_id ) || current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) :
        $user_data = get_userdata( bp_get_group_member_id() ); ?>
        <div class="user_email">
    	<label><?php echo $user_data->user_email; ?></label>

    You’d need to overload the members.php for your BP theme and place this code in there.

    To automatically remove their membership you could write a script to hook on the member role change and automatically remove them from the group but that’s a more complex job, you’d probably need to pay someone to write it specifically for your site.



    Does this get it to show up on the admin side? Here?


    Or is that on the front? I”d LOVE to be able to see the email address on the admin side if at all possible.



    BTW – I’m certainly willing to pay for that work to be done.
    Any idea where to advertise for that? It’s very important for us.



    This displays the email to group admin in the group members list at the front end.



    I could probably write you a plugin to do that email me on venutius at and we can talk about it.

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