Did you also add `define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );` to wp-config.php?
@mercime Yes
define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 4 );
define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );
If you have multiblog enabled, no, it will point to the current blog, not your “main” blog.
@Paul So should I remove define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );
Removing define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true ); took care of it. Thanks for your help!
13 years, 7 months ago
I’m running a WPMU with BuddyPress on the subdomain/secblog. All users of all sites are BP members, i.e. registration is through the BP site. On the main site, when a user posts a comment, the link shows mainsite.com/members/username instead of bp.mainsite.com/members/username.
1) Shouldn’t it show bp.mainsite.com/members/username?
2) I’d like to filter into (through my child template’s function.php) comment-template.php to change the url. How do I do that?
Thank you, Tonya