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Change the way BuddyPress refers to ‘members’

  • Gregor


    Hi there

    I’m looking to adjust the way BuddyPress refers to members across the board. I can’t spot anything in the PO language file…

    For example, in the members list it refers to “viewing 1-20 of 2000 members”.

    We have a paid members subscription within the business, and this is causing confusion – not all 2000 users in the directory are paid members. We want to change the name ‘members’ to ‘instructors’ to avoid confusion.

    I see this is hardcoded in ./bp-members/bp-members-template.php – can this be overridden without editing the plugin directly?

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  • shanebp


    I see this is hardcoded in ./bp-members/bp-members-template.php …

    The gettext calls in that file all use the Text Domain: buddypress.
    iow. they refer to the buddypress.pot file.
    For example: _n( 'Viewing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s member', 'Viewing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s members', $members_template->total_member_count, 'buddypress' )
    Note the ‘buddypress’ in that example.

    I can’t spot anything in the PO language file…

    Search the .pot file for Viewing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s member and you will find results.

    There is lots of info on how to use a language file.
    Specific to BuddyPress:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

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