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Change title on profile page

  • @dgraydesign


    The title (page title, not meta title) on the profile page in my installation is “Members”. I’m using the theme OneCommunity, and I can’t figure out where to edit this in BuddyPress. I’ve searched through all the members/single files and couldn’t find it. How do you edit these titles?

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  • @cyarema


    I would also like to change “Members” To “Employees” throughout the site. I tried doing the define('BP_MEMBERS_SLUG', 'employees' ); in the wp-config.php and I created a bp-custom.php file and tried it in there as well. But nothing has worked.



    @dgraydesign create a new page with the slug you want for your Members page. See my reponsive to cyarema below.

    Pages > Add New. Make Employees the title of the new page and publish as is. Go to Settings > BuddyPress > Pages and assign the new Employees page to the Members component and save.



    I still want the Members page to say ‘Members’. If I do what you’ve suggested above, won’t that also change it? I’m just trying to change the name of the profile page to ‘My Profile’ rather than ‘Members’. Thanks for your help.

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