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Changing groups name

  • @micbow


    Hi I was wondering if it was possible to change the name of groups? ie call “groups” something like “profiles” or “topics”.

    Is there an easy way to do it with a plugin or feature or does it require some development?


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  • @aces




    thanks aces

    I tried modifying it with the method on the first link but couldn’t work out as I couldn’t find out how to replace every instance of the word I wanted to change with poedit. It appears as if you can only edit one line at a time?

    Any way I decided to edit the file buddypress.pot file (inside the bp-languages folder) with a text editor and replace the word “groups” and “group” inside the quotation marks but left the instances where it was associated with .php files. But the word “group” still kept appearing on the website despite it being changed in the .pot file.

    Is there something I am missing? or is there a better way of replacing it?



    in addition to above. if I delete the file buddypress.pot from the bp-languages folder completely the website still displays ok without it.



    You will also find further occurrences of the word ‘group’ in many of the plug-ins you might have installed.
    Getting rid of them all is difficult as I have discovered. It is also hard to see the instances where you might want to leave it as ‘group’ e.g. in the dashboard. I believe you will just have to edit all of the individual language files or in the case of a plug-in where there are only one or two you might want to edit the code directly – as long as you remember what you did when you come to upgrade the plug-in.

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